Trump’s 5 Rules for Ruling the World – IOTW Report

Trump’s 5 Rules for Ruling the World

Patriot Retort:

I just read what has got to be the simplest, clearest and most spot-on summation of the method behind Trump’s success.

And it shouldn’t surprise you that it comes from Daniel Greenfield.

I always love what Greenfield writes. And this latest column Trump’s 5 Rules for Ruling the World is no exception.

It’s 2018. And after spilling several small rivers of black ink (digital and virtual) analyzing, smearing, belaboring, insulting and fact checking President Trump, the media still doesn’t understand him.

That’s not surprising. The media has been writing about America for much longer than that and has even less of a clue about how people live outside its preciously hip urban and suburban bubbles.

But there are 5 simple rules for understanding President Trump. They define how he’s lived his life until now. And what still drives him at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If you understand them, you will get what he’s doing. If you don’t, there’s always a job waiting at the New York Times.

Greenfield boils down Trump’s method to these five rules:

9 Comments on Trump’s 5 Rules for Ruling the World

  1. “When Obama expressed a willingness to meet with dictators and terrorists, it’s because he was already sympathetic to them. The seeds of the Iran deal were always in him. The negotiations just took him where he already wanted to be. Trump however isn’t meeting with Kim Jong-un because he likes him. He’s doing it because it might pay off. Or it won’t and then he’ll try something else.
    Obama needed Iran. Trump doesn’t need North Korea. He can take it or leave it.”


  2. … & yes … Trump thrives on the Chaos .. it’s why he doesn’t step in & fire Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, Strok, etc. … he enjoys keeping the pot stirred & they are too stupid to realize it, instead they react to it like “their heads were on fire & their asses a’catchin'”

  3. My opinion is Trump as a business man and does not like Chaos. No business man does. But he finds it necessary to survive this freaken zoo. Hes a smart MoFo.

  4. @Bad_Brad — “Chaos” is another one of those words the Left has co-opted and made a bad thing. Just the sound of it makes most people fearful. Remember “Get Smart” and K.A.O.S.? lol!

    There is another way to think about chaos, and that is dynamism — dynamism versus stasis. For years sociologists have been pushing the idea that stasis (or seeking stasis) is a human’s natural state or desire — that we naturally seek equilibrium at all times. I disagree. I think, like POTUS Trump, we are our most creative and able to solve more problems when we are dynamic and comfortable being dynamic. The late ’80’s and ’90’s brought us two buzz phrases which, if you were hip and cool, you had to bring up at every business meeting and social gathering: “paradigm shift” and “thinking outside the box.” All they were trying to describe was the (natural) reaction to the dynamic world. Today those old trendy phrases have been replaced by the word “disruptor”. I tend to think of someone who is “thinking outside the box” or being a “disruptor” as someone who has engaged more of their brain than the sheep who follow instructions.

    Dynamism (or chaos) allows fluidity of thinking that contemplates more paths of opportunity and very creative problem solving.

    (You, for example, are just as capable of living in the dynamism of chaos as anyone I know.)

  5. ….which is why, BB, Trump resonates with you. “Business Man” is essentially someone who must face every new day’s unique set of problems and opportunities. Timing, decision, intuitive intellect, ability to bracket your thinking, letting go of wasted effort and turning to new ideas….it’s all chaos. 🙂


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