How The UK Is Responding To Tommy Robinson And The Muslim Rape Crisis – IOTW Report

How The UK Is Responding To Tommy Robinson And The Muslim Rape Crisis


DANGEROUS: The world was rocked by news this week British political prisoner Tommy Robinson had been abruptly moved to a Muslim-dominated prison near Birmingham.

Robinson, who was arrested outside Leeds Crown Court for reporting on a Muslim grooming gang trail under way, was immediately thrown in prison, with the court citing a prior violation.

Despite massive civil unrest resulting from the case, the U.K. government has remained largely silent on Robinson’s arrest and on grooming gangs in general.

It appears that won’t change anytime soon.

British Prime Minister Theresa May came out of her shell to address the nation Thursday to acknowledge all the blessings and gifts British Muslims continue to provide.

No, not speech regulations, knife bans, dead civilians, and thousands of raped children across Old Blighty, but “diversity.”

In the Eid Mubarak message, a raucous celebration that marks the end of Ramadan, May deemed it an occasion for all Britons “to reflect on and celebrate the incredible contribution to our national life made by Britain’s three million Muslims.” more here

17 Comments on How The UK Is Responding To Tommy Robinson And The Muslim Rape Crisis

  1. Quite a list of gifts Muslims provide: IEDs, suicide vests, molotov cocktail kites, beheadings, stonings, tossing gays off roof tops, clitoridectomies… Their contributions are never ending.

  2. Word is thA Tommy is now in solitary confinement. Looks like it might be dawning on the fascists that they’ve made a big mistake. If nobody was paying attention to Tommy before, they certainly are now.

  3. One minute, twenty four seconds with absolutely nothing of substance said.
    Barry, the Kenyan, could have given that speech. (with teleprompter, of course)

  4. Limeys chose to be subjects.
    They could have joined us and hanged George III, but they prefer the comforts of slavery.
    So – I have a proposition: Obola for Robinson. Straight up. Don’t have to put Obola in gaol, do whatever you like with him. We’ll take Robinson – no strings attached.
    Call Trump. He can make it happen.

    izlamo delenda est …


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