Stormy Daniels Backs Out of Sold-Out Stripping Gig, Club Vows Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Stormy Daniels Backs Out of Sold-Out Stripping Gig, Club Vows Lawsuit

Breitbart: Porn actress Stormy Daniels stormed out of a Chicago strip club during the first of five shows, Thursday, claiming she was fired by the club’s management and forcing the cancelation of her slate of sold-out weekend shows.

Daniels was reportedly uncooperative and walked out of the Admiral Theater in the middle of a performance the Chicago Reader reported.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, left a lot of fans high and dry over the dispute. After performing to only a few songs, the notorious entertainer left the venue before attending a meet-and-greet leaving fans who paid to meet her for photos out of their $20 entry fee. Others are out even more money as tickets for some of the upcoming shows were selling for as much as $600 on Craigslist.

As Daniels was being escorted out of the building by two security guards, she told those outside the theater she was fired, but the owner and founder of Admiral Theatre, Sam Cecola, disputes that characterization of their disagreement.

Cecola claims that Daniels was uncooperative from the start and skipped rehearsals and meetings with him and his staff. more here

24 Comments on Stormy Daniels Backs Out of Sold-Out Stripping Gig, Club Vows Lawsuit

  1. The Admiral Theater, lol! Many, many years ago as a junior suit in the loop, my teammates devised a plan to have lunch at the Admiral. It was a slow day, nobody at the bank would miss us on our extended lunch.

    Mind you, the Admiral is a strip club and we were going there for lunch. Let that sink in, eat food prepared at a strip club!

    It was a major disappointment, however, the food wasn’t so bad. It was catered, what I would call rehearsal dinner food. Chicken, pasta and salad. The disappointment was the strip show, there was nothing nude about it! Apparently, the Admiral is zoned to not allow nudity, all the girls were essentially in swimsuits! Well, pasties aren’t much different than swimwear.

  2. She was mad about the addition of baked bean wrestling and the corn dog catching contest added at the last minute to boost lagging sales
    She’s an ‘artist’ not some low life

  3. Wow. Our economy is doing much better than I thought if people have $600 to watch this scraggledy old whore spin around on a pole.

    BTW, anyone who would spend that kind of money, it’s not like throwing pennies in a wishing well.

  4. Man, that is one worn out, hard life bitch. Her face could use a lift and her cooch some Kegels.

    Don’t tell me Trump hit that thang when he could have had the pick of the litter.

  5. Wasn’t she going on some, “Make America horny again,” tour?

    I’d say that’s not working out for her. Being a geriatric whore is tough. You get tired early.


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