Disgruntled establishment GOP losers like Mark Sanford get the will of the voters all wrong – IOTW Report

Disgruntled establishment GOP losers like Mark Sanford get the will of the voters all wrong

WaTimes: A great deal has been made in recent times about this so-called “loyalty pledge” members of the Republican Party must make to President Donald Trump, else face the wrath of the — umm, the voters? The White House? Ghosts of right-wing pasts?

Exactly. Who knows.

But let’s not confuse a loyalty pledge with voter will.

And let’s not pretend the same parties who are now dazzling the press with shocking accusations about so-called loyalty pledges aren’t guilty themselves of what they speak.

The establishment wingers of the Republican Party constantly turn their backs against those deemed outside the conservative boundaries they’ve drawn. Just ask President Donald Trump, for crying out loud — you know, the guy Mitt Romney didn’t vote for in 2016?

He wasn’t alone.

Neither George H.W. Bush nor George W. Bush nor Sen. John McCain reportedly voted for Trump. Several other notable Republicans, like Colin Powell and Christine Todd Whitman, meanwhile, didn’t just vote against Trump — they reportedly cast ballots for Hillary Clinton.

Loyalty pledge? No, those were called votes of conscience, votes of principle, votes for the preservation of the Republican Party.

Now that tables have turned and voters actually like what they see in Trump — so much so that they want more of it, via the candidates they elect — now all of a sudden, the disgruntled of the GOP and the left-leaners in the media are crying about unfair litmus tests. About so-called “loyalty pledges” and such.

Give us a break.

3 Comments on Disgruntled establishment GOP losers like Mark Sanford get the will of the voters all wrong

  1. He may have a good rating as voting is concerned (I don’t know how he was the last go around) but he had some weird public meltdowns and his ex is really really bitter about nailing him to the wall, still. We don’t know what else happened or what else he did- we can’t take a risk he will be blackmailed. But thanks for playing, Mark. Bye.


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