Ex-CIA engineer accused of leaks, charged – IOTW Report

Ex-CIA engineer accused of leaks, charged

FOX: The ex-CIA software engineer suspected of leaking a massive, highly secret trove of U.S. hacking tools and source code to WikiLeaks has been charged in federal court with a series of Espionage Act violations.

Joshua Schulte, 29, allegedly disclosed thousands of top-secret files outlining the extent of the CIA’s cyberwarfare capabilities in an unprecedented breach that triggered an intensive investigation even before WikiLeaks published the information in March 2017.

In March and June 2016, Schulte modified a computer run by the U.S. Intelligence Agency to “delet[e] records of his activities” and “den[y] others access to the system,” prosecutors charge in a superseding indictment unveiled Monday.

The former CIA engineer was accused formally in the indictment of lying to federal investigators, illegally gathering and transmitting national security information, theft of government property, and other offenses.

“As alleged, Schulte utterly betrayed this nation and downright violated his victims,” assistant New York FBI field director William F. Sweeney, Jr., said in a statement. “As an employee of the CIA, Schulte took an oath to protect this country, but he blatantly endangered it by the transmission of Classified Information.”

Schulte was charged last year with knowingly receiving and possessing child pornography, and those charges are also listed in the latest federal grand jury indictment.  Keep reading

10 Comments on Ex-CIA engineer accused of leaks, charged

  1. They currently don’t have the evidence to prove their case on the classified information transfers but that was a stroke of luck that they found the kiddie porn on his computer when they raided his apartment.

  2. Not for a second would I believe anything from the NSA or CIA.I wish I could tell how I had false witnesses destroy my 18 years of service when I still alive but I will just let it be exposed on my death. I keep it all on a zip drive and sleep with a 45.

  3. Another fuckhead Millenial leaking classified info… Educated in marxists schools his entire life. He was compelled from decades of brainwashing to betray his country. If I were his lawyer, I’d literally use that defense to get his dumb ass off.

  4. The only certainty here is we’re not getting the truth. I don’t believe or trust a single thing from the CIA. The organization has been a nest of corrupt freelancers from it’s inception.
    Bottom line this guy could be what the claim or he may be someone who tried to get the word out about the treachery.

  5. Transmitting and leaking classified national security information obviously cannot be determined without knowing his intent.

    Hillary, DOJ, NSA and the FBI agrees.

  6. His mother said he was a good boy who fell in with the wrong crowd. This could happen to anyone. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was profiled. He is separated from his family and held against his will. These are brutal torture tactics reminiscent of the worst abuses of the Hitler regime!

  7. “As alleged, Schulte utterly betrayed this nation and downright violated his victims”

    As alleged, Schulte utterly betrayed The Party and downright violated his victims. And by victims, of course, we mean The Party. Livestock is just machinery feed.

  8. @Anonymous June 19, 2018 at 2:48 am

    > He was compelled from decades of brainwashing to betray his country.

    He betrayed The Party.
    His country is The Party’s property.
    His nation are called enemy by The Party.

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