The Person Doxxing ICE Employees Is A Professor At NYU – IOTW Report

The Person Doxxing ICE Employees Is A Professor At NYU

Update from Pacific Pundit: @ICE_Doxx had over 100 left wing followers before it was finally taken down. I fear for the safety of ICE Agents these days.


DC: A New York University professor is the person responsible for creating a database of over 1,500 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees’ personal information and spreading it to Antifa.

Sam Lavigne, a far-left artist and game designer, is an adjunct professor at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. He created a database of 1,595 ICE employees using their LinkedIn profiles and shared it to his 3,600 followers on Twitter Tuesday morning.

Antifa, the far-left organization labelled as  “domestic terrorists,” picked up the database and spread it to their followers on Twitter hours later. The database also spread to a subgroup on Reddit that encourages spreading personal information — such as where they live and their contact information, known as “doxxing” — of people who they consider “Nazis” or “alt-right,” which, according to them, includes ICE and the NSA.

“Doxxing ICE agents is good and moral,” one Reddit user posted on a thread that shared the database.

“Dox more Nazis,” another read.

“I’ve downloaded and made available the profiles of (almost) everyone on LinkedIn who works for ICE, 1,595 people in total. While I don’t have a precise idea of what should be done with this data set, I leave it here with the hope that researchers, journalists, and activists will find it useful,” Lavigne wrote in a now-deleted Medium blog post.  read more


8 Comments on The Person Doxxing ICE Employees Is A Professor At NYU

  1. ICE agents should start driving by his house slowly.

    Just following him in public. Waving to his wife and kids (if this loser has anything amounting to a significant human relationship).

    Nothing violent, of course, but get the message across.

  2. This kind of s**t, along with psychos like Peter Fonda, will end up with dead or wounded ICE agents AND THEIR CHILDREN.

    And if/when that happens, THIS animal needs to pay the price.

  3. Skimming the threads until later when I have more time, but this one caught my attention.

    At what point do WE create OUR lists? Or has someone already started to compile the list for when…

    Inquisitive minds want to know…


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