Michael Avenatti, Lawyer for Porn Star Stormy Daniels, Arrives at Border to Represent Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti, Lawyer for Porn Star Stormy Daniels, Arrives at Border to Represent Illegal Aliens

Breitbart: Michael Avenatti, attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, has arrived at the southern border to represent 50 mothers who were separated from their children after being arrested for crossing into the United States illegally.

According to mysanantonio.com, Avenatti appeared at a relief center in McAllen, Texas, on Tuesday and called President Donald Trump’s border policy a “shit show,” adding that it was “by far the worst day of my legal career.”

Avenatti had indicated Sunday that he would be traveling to the border and made a pitch on Twitter for new clients. MORE

17 Comments on Michael Avenatti, Lawyer for Porn Star Stormy Daniels, Arrives at Border to Represent Illegal Aliens

  1. Who’s going to pay the millions Avenatti needs to satisfy his tax delinquency and pay the judgements against him from his former partners?

    Is he now working for child sex traffickers?

  2. Hey Avenatti,
    If you even have two brain cells to rub together, you’d realize that since these people are “Illegal Immigrants”, they have only one right. That right is to be DEPORTED back from where they started their trek to cross our borders illegally.

  3. Good Lord, I was about to post answering to Tony R., when a tire blew on my trailer!! Well, George is taking care of it. Pray for us, guys!

    Anyway, I read a tweet where his sheeples were praising him and asking about money. He said he is working “pro-bono” (the U2 guy? LOL). Some of them were offering to start a crowdfunding for their hero!

  4. From above: “…mothers who were separated from their children after being arrested…”

    There is the operational phrase.

    Which is what I’ve seen happen when any mother gets arrested anywhere in the world.

    Have to say, the timing on this blanketing the news for the last week is indeed impeccable.

    I haven’t heard a word on the radio or TV about that pesky IG report since this caterwauling started.

  5. MJA, thank you!
    We were passing a RV when the tire blew. The RV driver almost couldn’t control it, thank God he went straight to the shoulder. It was scary to me, I can only imagine for them with all the noise and the scraps flying.

  6. Pssstttt : . . . Sounds like MSNBC Her Heilemann is cooking up some segments for upcoming NBC Circus Clown episodes.

    “Michael Avenatti, attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, has arrived at the southern border. . .”

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