The Left and Children – IOTW Report

The Left and Children

American Thinker: In their latest attempt to swing this fall’s election toward the Democrats, the left now wants us to focus on “the children.” They haven’t really thought this through. Liberals the world over should work hard to avoid any debate that significantly involves the lives and wellbeing of children. Most anyone armed with even the slightest bit of the truth when it comes to liberalism and “the children” can easily quiet the left in virtually any debate that involves children or the family.

The first bit of truth that any liberal should have to answer for when it comes to children is, if liberalism is so concerned for the welfare of young people, why has the left spent decades fighting for the “right” to kill the most innocent and helpless among us? Ever since the American left decided to ignore sound science and morality and the dehumanization of the unborn became standard dogma for those who support the Democrat Party, children in their mothers’ wombs have been little more than a political headache for the modern left.

Since the 1960s, countless liberals across the U.S. have won elections by promising to keep legal their wicked “final solution” for those who want to be able to do whatever they wish in the sexual realm. Thus, for the left, children are only a concern when the timing is right — when kids are “wanted” — and when the political benefits are favorable for Democrats.  more here

14 Comments on The Left and Children

  1. The left is grasping for any straw they stumble across to bad mouth President Trump. Next week they will find a new non-issue to turn into a beat up Trump issue. You’d have an empty mind not to see the “Damage Trump” game they are working but they seem to think the average American is a easy target to con. Must be they are bored and have nothing else much going on in their lives.

  2. Wow, that’s a powerful essay!

    Thanks for posting it, MJA. What was once merely an annoying counter-argument to American conservatism (conserving the Founding principles) has rapidly morphed into a bald-faced, death-to-America threat as potent and as real as Hamas, Hezbollah, or any serial killer on the loose. Why else would the anti-American Left want open borders that allow foreign criminals to come here to murder and maim American citizens. “The Children” are indeed a foil for their naked power grab. We must defeat them as surely as we would stop a foreign power from taking us over.

  3. US parents, citizens, are separated from their children every day for a variety of reasons, most involving a law-breaking activity. No one marches in the streets, no one blames the president.

    I guess you have to be Latino and breaking the law and have your kids separated from you before people get mad enough to protest.

    Oh, yeah, and the president has to be Trump, not Obama, for people to protest.

  4. All leftist points are contradictory so as to be met with more effective counterpoints. The mind of the leftist is filled with cognitive dissonance. That (among others) is the reason they are INSANE.

  5. The left doesn’t give a damn about children except to use them constantly as pawns in order to destroy all that is good in Society. They are true disciples of their mentor King Herod who killed all the male children 2 years and younger because he was afraid that his power would be usurped with the birth of the Christ child. The same thing goes for the Pharaohs in Egypt who wanted to kill Moses.

  6. The author of this article is forgetting the number one rule of liberalism…facts don’t matter. All that has an impact on liberals is how something looks, how people feel about it. I don’t believe they even think they are lying.

  7. Many of us have previously commented on how the Left operates intellectually and emotionally at the same level as a toddler. All about “feelings” and they cannot come to terms with the whole action/consequence connection. Rational thought? Fuggedaboutit!

  8. Like Dianny posted, with every crybaby snowflake outrage the left brings up, the more Trump’s approval ratings climb. Even my family members who are staunch Democrats who don’t like Trump, they will not even broach the subject anymore because of how absurd their party has become over the past year and a half.

  9. Well, election season is coming and it’s time for the Democrats to trot out the children who weren’t aborted and who were allowed to live and who weren’t otherwise forcibly separated from any criminal parents or who weren’t abandoned by single mothers and who may actually know who their father is. Mmmmm…tasty, tasty children. But I digress. We progressives need these children to demonstrate how compassionate we are for 3 months every 2 years. And those little whelps better perform – or else.

  10. @Poor Lazlo June 22, 2018 at 11:33 am

    > Look at the other hand, all this is distraction to hide the sleight of hand tricks they want to play

    Of course it is. But when they’re so kerfuffled that they say “Here, hold my gun” to get a third (or are they up to fifth) hand free for the show, don’t say “No”.

  11. The Left as Toddler is good, but even more apt is the Left as Helen Keller before her “miracle.” Keller had blindness and deafness imposed upon her, but the Left’s disabilities are mostly chosen. But both acted violently and literally senselessly to external stimuli they could not understand. Unfortunately, there’s no Anne Sullivan on the Left’s horizon.

  12. “The mind of the leftist is filled with cognitive dissonance”


    They SHOULD be filled with cognitive dissonance. The fact that they hold two opposing “truths” and aren’t even aware of it?

    That’s mental illness. You came to the right conclusion, Anon, but isn’t that a given with them? Fish – barrel – dinner.

    Anyone experiencing C.D is one step away from living with an objective truth. Just choose the one that’s true even if you stop believing in it.

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