Rubio: Not Wise For Trump to Cast Immigrants as Criminals — ‘Vast Majority’ Want a Better Life – IOTW Report

Rubio: Not Wise For Trump to Cast Immigrants as Criminals — ‘Vast Majority’ Want a Better Life

Bretibart: In a preview clip from CNN’s “The Axe Files” that airs Saturday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said it was not “wise” for President Donald Trump to cast the majority of immigrants as criminals.

Partial transcript as follows:

AXELROD: The president has depicted the people who are coming as dangerous, he said they are not sending us their best, rapists, murderers….The vast 98%, 99% of these people are being charged with a misdemeanor, they don’t have criminal histories. Is it fair to depict them in that way?

RUBIO: I don’t think it is ever wise to cast a broad net, a generalization over any group of human beings. So, yes there are people that cross the border that are dangerous and criminals and alike. I would say through my experience the vast majority of people are coming over because just want a better life. My sense of it is if you are a father, for example my situation, if my family is desperate they are living in a dangerous situation, I’d do almost anything to protect my children and find a better life for them. So we have to understand that element of it. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to have laws on our end. Mexico has immigration laws. Canada has immigration laws. I don’t think that we should generalize. I think vast majority of people crossing the border are just coming because they want something better.  MORE

SNIP: Hey, Marco, I have something to say to both your faces. You are casting a ‘broad net’ over illegals by saying that most of them aren’t dangerous. See how that works, dum-dum?

40 Comments on Rubio: Not Wise For Trump to Cast Immigrants as Criminals — ‘Vast Majority’ Want a Better Life

  1. What is Mario going to say if AMLO wins the election in Mexico and we get 25 million Mexicans making a run for the border because he said to do it. Is he going to side with them?

    Sure, they want a better life, but outside of lettuce and grape picking, what are a bunch of people who are functionally illiterate in their own language going to do to support themselves in the US. How are they going to provide for their own families. The answer is that they won’t.

    At what point do we say that coming here because you want a better life makes the lives or regular Americans worse, so no thank you. Sorry, but you need to vote for leaders who want to improve your countries, not dump your people on the United States thinking that our Republic is just one big welfare program for which everyone is entitled to utilize.

  2. Need I remind Little Marco that this is the EXACT reason he and Jeb Bush will never be President?
    Somali Pirates just want a better life too, that’s why they steal!

  3. I’m not aware that TRUMP has ever said that they are all criminals.
    Shouldn’t RUBEio be made to produce proof of his hyperbolic claim against a sitting President?

  4. People that break the law by crossing our borders without permission from our supposed representative government are, by definition, criminals. Calling foreign invaders criminals is not “casting” them as criminals ….. it is simply using the accurate terminology based on their actions.

    Bank robbers rob banks because they want more money to create a better life for themselves and their families, but they are still criminals. Calling someone that willfully commits crimes a criminal is not an insult – it is only common sense and the truth. Thus, it actually is wise to call criminals what they are.

    Rubio is proving himself to be nothing more than a treasonous, anti-American pile of pig poop every time he opens his mouth.

  5. As an American citizen, I would sure like these politicians to be a bit more interested in my desire for a better life which is greatly hindered by massive amounts of unchecked illegal immigration (not to mention massive amounts of corruption in the upper echelon of government).

  6. Everybody wants a better life Marco. Most of us in the United States work very hard for just exactly that. We call them Americans. Others use the path of least resistance and just take it. Usually we call them criminals, but sometimes we call them politicians. Crossing the border of any country is a crime… PERIOD! Will my way of life be protected by criminals? Will my Social Security that I EARNED be there when I need it. or will it be given away by disingenuous politicians sniffing for votes because crime became normalized and criminals can vote?

  7. Most bank robbers are seeking a better life. A goodly number of muggers, carjackers, etc., are seeking a better life. And what all of these and illegal immigrants have in common is they are all breaking US law. They are criminals. That sounds harsh, but it’s the blind truth.


    When you are aware of the risks, and yet allow it to happen anyway, YOU’RE CRIMINALLY LIABLE!

    The vast majority don’t want to rape and behead you, but no matter the percentages, IT’S NOT WORTH THE RISK!

  9. What they want and how they aim to achieve it are two separate issues.
    I want a vacation but I’m not climbing the fence at Disneyworld to get it.

  10. Little Marco is just doing his masters’ bidding. He is compromised and will eventually be removed.

    DJT needed the senate seat in 2016 and he seemed to be the safe bet.

  11. When it’s time to judge what is wise and what is not, who really wants to know what Little Marco thinks?

    As an officer in a Representative Republic, does Little Marco realize whom he should represent?
    Or is he a self-appointed representative of aliens, iow: non-citizens?

  12. I think also that Axelrod is pushing the idea that a “misdemeanor” is not really a crime,so all misdemeanor crimes should be taken off the books. Remember this is the left and they always have a reason to push something to the front of the line that they want. They will use anyone to reach their goals.
    Rubio is a tool and a punk.

  13. I even posted on Rubio’s Twitter post last week supporting Trump that it would only be a matter of days before he flip-flopped out of his innate spinelessness, and there it is, predictable as afternoon rain in a Florida Summer.

  14. ChristianPDX – “Sure, they want a better life, but outside of lettuce and grape picking, what are a bunch of people who are functionally illiterate in their own language going to do to support themselves in the US.”
    You missed the point. The better life they want is the life of government dependence the US offers. No work and everything given to you that you want.

  15. No, Senator Rubio.

    If they wanted “a better life,” they’d build one in the land of their birth.

    Hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, ticks, fleas, heartworms – THEY all want “better lives,” too! So fucking what?

    Not only is your assessment incorrect, but what’s your point?
    You seem to imply that their problem should somehow become MY problem.
    I don’t really care what they want. Good, Bad, or Indifferent. Do they give a flying shit what I want? Well, I want them to stay the fuck in mexico and build a paradise there, and exclude me from it! I want them to build a Wall to keep ME OUT!
    Got that?

    I will NEVER understand some so-called Americans who think that what foreigners want is more important than what Americans want! They are a pestilence. They fuck up their own countries and want to come here to fuck up ours. Well, no. In fact, HELL NO!

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. If supporting America and exposing the crimes and havoc illegal immigrants inflict on US Citizens is so offensive to Marco he should just make it official and add the D behind his name. Trump has never made a blanket statement like that about anything and we all know damn well an immigrant and an ILLEGAL are not the same. An ILLEGAL comes here breaking the law and is a criminal regardless of why they do it (intention). They could come to a port and claim asylum but they decided to break the law and try to sneak in. You, Little Marco, are the one that needs to rethink your position and comments.

  17. That prick wanted a better life and we erred by giving it to him! Now he wants all his prick and pricket buddies from shithole countries from around the world to join him at the taxpayer-funded hog trough!

  18. Thank you for dining with us, Mr. Rubio. The menu tonight is two appetizers, salad, soup, steak, salmon, and dessert. One of those seven is contaminated with botulism but the other six are just fine and delicious so you needn’t worry. Bon appetit!

  19. Rob a bank-criminal.
    Steal a car-criminal.
    Cheat on your taxes-criminal.
    Beat your dog-criminal.

    Now, stick with me, Marco…
    Walk across an international borders-criminal.

    There are negative consequences for all of these but the last, not least of which is you will be separated from your family.

    What’s hard to understand here?

  20. Where does it end? Let’s say anybody can come here, open the gate.
    I would say a few billion could find their way here, now what?
    The life boat is full now so prepare to sink.
    Seems to me if we do what Mexico does and Prosecute/fine/deport anybody that is caught working here and anybody employing them to such a degree they would never try again.

  21. I’m sorry if Mexico is a hell hole, you might want to rethink electing a communist for a president, it isn’t helping you and your hell hole unless you were planing on over running us.

  22. Rubio needs to go help them “get a better life” in their own damned country if representing AMERICAN interests isn’t sufficient for him.
    Feckless, treacherous bastard.

  23. Marco’s people came from a screwed up place. Now he wants to bring more of those people, who he doesn’t know he background of, to America.
    Well if a Black person works his way out of the ghetto and becomes a millionaire, does that mean he should have all the Black people come set up tents in his front and back yards, just skipping through the house taking valuables? Because that’s essentially what’s happening in America.

  24. I’m guessing there are about 4 billion people in the world who “want a better life”. Is Little Marco proposing we grant them all a path to citizenship or just the ones who speak Spanish?

  25. I _LIKE_ immigrants. LEGAL immigrants who want to become Americans, and when they complete the process, they’re no less Americans than I am.

    I _HATE_ ILLEGAL aliens. They will never become Americans and don’t want to. By their very first action when they came here they showed what kind of people they are. If you know someone’s a criminal, do you invite them in your house? If you think it’s important to lock your home’s doors, why is it any less important to lock our nation’s doors until WE decide to let someone come in?


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