Buried in IG report, shocking revelations about Clinton emails found on Weiner’s laptop – IOTW Report

Buried in IG report, shocking revelations about Clinton emails found on Weiner’s laptop

American Thinker: The issues surrounding Hillary Clinton’s emails just won’t go away, and the recently released DoJ inspector general’s report shows why.

Daily Caller:

According to the recently released inspector general report, on September 28 and 29, 2016 the New York office of the FBI immediately reported to the Washington headquarters its discovery of, first, 141,000 and then 350,000 emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner – also known as “Carlos Danger,” a now-convicted sex offender.  Mr. Weiner is the husband of Hillary Clinton’s inseparable aide Huma Abedin.

Now we know by October 4, the New York office had found 700,000 emails.  The New York agents had seen and reported to FBI leadership they had seen email headers, all domain names, Mrs. Clinton’s initials on one sensitive but not classified document, and the missing BlackBerry backups.

The New York agents described it as the “entire file” of all Hillary Clinton emails from 2006 until 2016, including the BlackBerry messages that Comey himself had referred to as “the golden emails.”

What did the FBI do with this treasure trove of hundreds of thousands of emails that Hillary Clinton and her lawyers never turned over to the bureau?

Nothing – at least nothing to obtain evidence.

19 Comments on Buried in IG report, shocking revelations about Clinton emails found on Weiner’s laptop

  1. I’m curious if some of those emails from Hillary coincided with her famous Heidi hairdo. How many foul and disgusting naked poses of Miss Piggy, dressed as a young school girl, landed on Weiner’s laptop? Something to not ponder.

  2. Huma couldn’t resist hanging on to this history for several reasons. Hillary said, destroy it all” and Huma stashed it safely on her husband’s laptop where she could have it always for a book later in life, for blackmail today or simply to traffic it for profit to hostile foreign powers.

    She chose poorly. Weiner committed computer crimes and his laptop was seized.

    This could get really good. Really!

  3. I’m tired of hearing about it. It’s more than a year and a half and not only has nothing happened, but the Clintons are still doing fund raisers for their criminal foundation.

  4. There are too many people that know the existence of these emails for them to just disappear as so many other records have. I think they will be so damaging to Hillary, the state department, Obozo, Valerie Jarett, the FBI, the DOJ and numerous other politicos that we will never know just what they include. If we the people were able to view the unredacted emails there would be riots in the streets calling for the complete destruction of all of the above. The powers that be are sitting on them and hoping we will forget.
    It ain’t gonna happen. WE will continue to dig up the evidence and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law until the swamp critters are extinct. If that fails then other measures must be taken.

  5. Secy of State reports to the potus, so is it not O’s fault official US correspondence was sent over an unsecure server? Was he not the supervisor of SoS, could he not have had her removed? Thank God for the perv Weiner’s laptop or we wouldn’t have known. Now what to do?

  6. Makes you wonder what they’re trying to stall right now. Chris Wray was about as convincing in his whitewash of the IG report as Comey was in his Whitewash of Hillary’s emails. It’s almost like there is somebody who pulls the strings of all these Special Investigations. Someone who doesn’t readily pop up on any org chart………

  7. Not only buried evidence from the laptop, where’s the laptop and have any of the documents been compromised, altered or deleted?
    Will a true investigation be performed, will justice be applied equally?
    Do the DOJ and FBI have enough integrity left to perform a legitimate investigation?

  8. Director Wray is not reopening this and keeping the light shining on the corruption of the FBI. He won’t even admit there was a partisan bias. And you can’t take down Hillary without tarnishing scandal free Obama.

  9. Because of the nature of information in the digital age, unless there have been extreme measures taken to protect the integrity of the chain of custody, I predict absolutely nothing will come of this. Hillary will skate through this like she always does, and the press will continue to ignore this, like it does all negative things about Hillary.

  10. @Doug Wakeman:

    Huma couldn’t resist hanging on to this history for several reasons. Hillary said, destroy it all” and Huma stashed it safely on her husband’s laptop where she could have it always for a book later in life, for blackmail today or simply to traffic it for profit to hostile foreign powers.

    I’m of the fairly strong opinion that presence of all Huma’s emails and Blackberry messages on her husband’s computer was not a conscious decision, but instead was the result of one simply stupid mistake.

    From remarks I’ve read elsewhere, it is almost certain that her email was handled by Microsoft Outlook/Exchange. When you set up an email account in that environment, one of the options you can select is to “work offline.” That is an attractive facility and many people select it without understanding how it works.

    Unless things have changed since I last dug into the guts of such a setup, all of your folders and messages, contacts, and calendar entries are kept in a large (at times VERY large) file with the extension .pst (I think that stands for Personal STore but I’m not going to look that up right now).

    When the user asks for the capability to “work offline” what happens is that every time the user is working online, every new entry in the server’s storage for that user is downloaded and added to the local .pst file on the PC/laptop. This happens without notification; the only indication that this is happening is that if there has been a lot of activity since the last online connection, it takes a while for the synchronization to finish. With fast net connections these days, that actually is fairly easy to miss.

    Furthermore, it is a simple matter to connect MSFT with Blackberry to share and sync messages, contacts, calendars, etc. That means Blackberry stuff is downloaded to the PC as well as the MSFT stuff.

    It’s my educated guess – and Occam’s razor favors the simplest answers – that those hundreds of thousands of messages, etc., were a huge OH SHITTTTTT! surprise to Huma et al.

    And it all happened because at some point Huma set up her mail account on hubby’s computer for convenience.

    She chose poorly. Weiner committed computer crimes and his laptop was seized. This could get really good. Really!

    I sure as Hell hope so!

  11. Uncle Al: I have always thought that it was very strange that Clinton and her team of crooks went to such great lengths to wipe her emails and destroy her devices and servers, but left all these emails on Carlos Danger’s computers. Obviously, Clinton and Abedin wouldn’t have trusted Huma’s perverted husband with all that incriminating evidence. There must be hundreds of thousands of highly embarrassing and incriminating emails among 700,000 emails. Someone screwed up. And the FBI and the DOJ have been covering up for the President Elect who didn’t get elected.

  12. There’s nothing like a circular firing squad for entertainment. Problem is that all the rifles are loaded instead of having the one with the blank in it.

    Ready, Fire, Aim!

    The best and the brightest?

  13. Who else wants everyone in Gubermint to immediately die a horrible painful death? Every politician (Trump is not a politician).

    They pay themselves more than we earn in the private sector; they protect their kind no matter what crimes they commit; they laugh at us behind our backs; they can’t be fired, their rich pensions are never at risk: they think they’re better than us.

    I wish them to drown in champaign. Float up dead in it, that is.


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