“The Fix Was In” – IOTW Report

“The Fix Was In”


Within the Inspector General report into how the DOJ and FBI handled the Clinton email investigation, on Page #164, footnote #124 the outline is laid bare for all to witness. The Clinton classified email investigation was structured to deliver a predetermined outcome.

John Spiropoulos delivers the first video in a series of reports on the Department of Justice Inspector General’s review into the investigation of Hillary Clinton. This segment focuses on DOJ’s legal interpretation that virtually assured Clinton would not be prosecuted. And that, as the IG reports states, the FBI and DOJ knew that “by September 2015″. WATCH


4 Comments on “The Fix Was In”

  1. And, is there any sane, law abiding person in the US that didn’t know that??? That is EXACTLY the reason we elected Lock-Her-Up Trump! And he has failed us by having swamp dweller, Sessions as AG.

    Sessions has failed to even begin to clean out the filth of the FBI, DOJ, or to do something about the fascist assaults on people doing their jobs, like the Border Patrol or cabinet members, or ordinary citizens wanting to express their freedom of thought or speech. Or the members of congress siting mayhem and violence or sedition! DAMN, I am so tired of it.

    What a hamster exercise wheel of investigations, reports, and defiance of the DOJ and FBI and the witch hunt wasting time and money, we have, all because Sessions is, where?

  2. Well, DUH!

    Corruption? In the DoJ? In the FBI?
    I’m shocked! Shocked, I tells ya!

    well, no … not really …
    go back to sleep – sleeeeep – close your eyes – breathe

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m convinced that as soon as Mueller finishes his witch hunt President Trump is going to clean house in the DOJ and FBI. He would be foolish not to and DJT is no fool.
    These people think they are above the law and cannot be held responsible for their actions or inactions as the case may be.
    These alleged investigations have been a major clusterfuck from jump street. It’s long past time to get a new Attorney general with a large set of juevos to sort this crap out. We, the people, demand appropriate action be taken and we are running out of patience.


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