Study Finds District Of Columbia Has More Psychopaths Than Any Other Place In The Country – IOTW Report

Study Finds District Of Columbia Has More Psychopaths Than Any Other Place In The Country

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

The Nation’s Capital has an Infestation

WJLA WASHINGTON DC (ABC7) — Washington D.C. has more psychopaths than any other location in the United States, a recent study by Southern Methodist University found. The study also found that the surrounding areas of Virginia ranked as number eleven and Maryland number twelve in their finding.  The university studied five personality traits they called the “big five” — extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism.

“Areas of the United States that are measured to be most psychopathic are those in the Northeast and other similarly populated regions. The least psychopathic are predominantly rural areas. The most extreme data point is the District of Columbia, which received a standardized score of 3.48. The next highest data point is Connecticut, which received a 1.89 standardized score. The presence of psychopaths in District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture found in Murphy (2016) that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere.   more here

8 Comments on Study Finds District Of Columbia Has More Psychopaths Than Any Other Place In The Country

  1. The presence of psychopaths in District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture found in Murphy (2016) that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere.

    Reason #343: why I am a govt abolitionist.

    (I don’t call myself “anarchist” any more because that word, like “liberal”, has been hijacked by evil-doers.)

  2. Quiet, Quiet. . .
    Be seated.
    Class is in session.
    ABC has completed the VA Study
    MD-DC-VA are over-represented by psychopaths

    Next subject is NBC
    Tonights Case Study:
    MSNBC Question of the Day
    Spit or Swallow?

    ► 2:28
    Jan 29, 2018 – 2 min Deadline ♪ Ñ ♪ ß ♪ Ç

    The Professor reads these notes. . .
    Elise Jordan swallows ♪ ü
    Nicole Wallace spits ♪ Ç

    Professor Marvel Licks Diogenes’ Middle Finger
    “Just checking the Wind my Dear”

    ‘Prémiéré Balloonist par éxcélléncé’


  3. Geeee, what a surprise…

    “psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere”

    How much was paid for that STUDY?



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