Oregon: Portland renames major street after pederast, cult defender – IOTW Report

Oregon: Portland renames major street after pederast, cult defender

NOQ- In 2016, the U.S. Navy named a ship after the late politician, Harvey Milk. In 2009, President Obama posthumously bequeathed Milk with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Now, city officials in Portland, Oregon, have voted to rename a 13-block section of one of the city’s major streets, Southwest Stark Street, after Harvey Milk, the first open homosexual to serve on the San Francisco, CA, Board of Supervisors. Milk was murdered in 1978, by a fellow democratic Board of Supervisors member.

Harvey Milk was also a serial pederast. As his friend and biographer, Randy Shilts, wrote:

“Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems.”

Milk was also a defender the now infamous Marxist cult leader Jim Jones. As Daniel J. Flynn wrote at City Journal in 2009, in a piece entitled, “Drinking Harvey Milk’s Kool-Aid”:

Nine days prior to Milk’s death, more than 900 followers of Jim Jones — many of them campaign workers for Milk — perished in the most ghastly set of murder-suicides in modern history. Before the congregants of the Peoples Temple drank Jim Jones’s deadly Kool-Aid, Harvey Milk and much of San Francisco’s ruling class had already figuratively imbibed. Milk occasionally spoke at Jones’s San Francisco-based headquarters, promoted Jones through his newspaper columns, and defended the Peoples Temple from its growing legion of critics. Jones provided conscripted “volunteers” for Milk’s campaigns to distribute leaflets by the tens of thousands. Milk returned the favor by abusing his position of public trust on behalf of Jones’s criminal endeavors.  more

13 Comments on Oregon: Portland renames major street after pederast, cult defender

  1. Does the street named after Harvey Milk run parallel or intersect with MLK Blvd. ? Just asking? And further intersecting at a 3 way stop light intersecting with the newly named Barack Obama Way. That’s a part of town I wouldn’t want to be caught dead in.

  2. This is just clarifies the observation that Portland has drifted far from the values of mainstream Americans. It’s a damn shame that classless radicals have taken over this once beautiful area. The west coast liberals can continue to push acceptance of their deviancy’s but we will never accept them. God made man and woman, no other sex was created.

  3. Nothing surprises me about my former home town anymore. Within the last year, I believe, maybe two, the Portland school district gave the red light for satanic clubs to meet at school. I think that race to the bottom (of the pit of hell), was won with that decision JDHasty.
    Unfortunately, it’s gradually creeping it’s way out east. No bueno 🤨

  4. You watch your damn when it comes to this magnificent man! Mr Milk helped the LGBTQ community, many of which were teens thrown out of their homes by homophobic republican parents, and you murdered him then with bullets and you’re murdering him again with lies.

  5. BILL
    I remember in ’64 democrats being violent. The Dem Thug’s name was Mario Savio. He and his gangsters put a few conservatives in hospital to support Freedom Under Clark Kerr. Bancroff Way + Telegraph. Duck Duck it!

  6. Not only did Jim Jones kill 914 people, but approximately 70% of those people were completely innocent BLACK people. That’s about 630 black people murdered, about as many as have been lynched in the past 100 years

    Weird how the racial bean counters have overlooked this fact. It’s not as if it would be difficult to verify. Just look at the pictures


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