Border Patrol Sets Up Shop In New England – Gets Unbelievable Results In Only 11 Hours – IOTW Report

Border Patrol Sets Up Shop In New England – Gets Unbelievable Results In Only 11 Hours

DC: US Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) agents have recently set up immigration checks in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to question motorists about their citizenship status as part of immigration enforcement actions under the Trump administration.

CBP agents made nine drug seizures and two arrests for immigration violations during an 11-hour checkpoint Wednesday, reports CBS Boston.

During the weekend of June 15-17, five illegal aliens were arrested from “Brazil, China, Ecuador, El Salvador and Mexico,” according to CBS Boston.

The checkpoints are “a means of preventing smuggling organizations from exploiting existing transportation systems to travel to the interior of the United States,” the CBP said in a statement.  more

27 Comments on Border Patrol Sets Up Shop In New England – Gets Unbelievable Results In Only 11 Hours

  1. Very easy to catch the highest profile drug-using foreigner who’s been most destructive to the US: set up at the obama Preznittial Library planning headquarters.
    look for a thin-skinned, purple-lipped jackass, light in the loafers and covered in flies.

  2. Checkpoints. It is the law that checkpoints may be set up within 100 miles of the US border. Think about how much of the country lies within 100 miles of our border.

    If you drive in the SW checkpoints are common. I’ve never been asked for ID and never had my car searched. There is something disturbing about checkpoints. They are not new.

  3. Every American should understand the Civil Liberties inherent in the words, “No I will not pull over. What is the probale cause of a crime? Am I being detained? Am I under arrest? Am I free to go?”
    To champion the bogus 100 mile rule and celebrate “its working” is an affront to American liberties.

  4. I thought their maple syrup tasted funny. Now, I know why. Costco carried Canadian Maple syrup and they are a quiet liberal company, with the best customer service I have seen in 74 years.

  5. @ carter,
    in times of WAR, typical rights can legitimately be set aside TEMPORARILY.
    We have been under siege (!) for decades now.
    I personally am willing to give this Administration much leeway in their effort to restore the rule of Law, which they do WITHOUT the cooperation of at least one other Branch of the Federal Government.
    And I believe the majority of my fellow CITIZENS, would agree. (IOW, I do not care one bit what the UN, the Media, and other anti-American groups think. They are the undeclared Enemy of my country’s sovereignty. That is the cardinal definition of an Enemy.)

  6. My wife and I were stopped at one of these checkpoints along I-93 south in the Franconia Notch region of NH weekend before last. The Border Patrol Agent asked us if we were US citizens?
    We were two people, both wearing plaid flannel shirts and military-style ballcaps, drinking Coke products from McDonalds, driving a Jeep! I don’t think you can get any more American than we were!
    As we drove away from the checkpoint, I asked my wife, “What do you think would have happened if I had answered the Agent’s question by saying, ‘Si.’?”

  7. @joe6pak
    They set up the checkpoint on the two lane highway and all traffic must come to a stop. They’re not pulling anyone over, as everyone must stay in the highway lane they already occupied when they approached the checkpoint.

  8. Ten years ago, a friend of mine caught a bus back to NYC from northern Maine. He was one of only three American citizens on the bus. All of the rest of the several dozen passengers were Chinese. All of the men were dressed alike, with a white shirt, black trousers, tennis shoes and a blue windbreaker. The Chinese women were wearing identical clothing with white blouses, black dresses, tennis shoes and black sweaters. All of them were carrying identical small carry on bags. None of them spoke a word of English. There was one Chinese man who bought the tickets and organized the others that also spoke English. My friend asked the bus driver what was going on, and the driver said that these were all illegal aliens that had come down from Canada after getting tourist visas to visit Canada. The bus driver told my friend that the Chinese passengers were the only thing that was keeping the company alive, and that it had been going on for years. The population of Chinese living in NYC quadrupled during this same time period. They are living in huge warehouses inside small cubicles all over Brooklyn and the Bronx. They are dropping anchor babies at a rate that would impress a Mexican, and you can encounter them all over NYC. My friend called Homeland Security to report this and he was told that the government was aware of the problem, but there was nothing that could be done about it due to budgetary constraints. Secure the Northern Border!

  9. Yes, Unky the state of Florida is all within 100 miles of the border.

    Lansing, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Copper Harbor all within 100 miles of the border. New Orleans, Raleigh, Richmond, Dover, Trenton, New York City, within 100 miles of the US border.

  10. In 2010 we took a trip to Tuscon AZ via I-10. Several miles past El Paso there was a Border Patrol stop.

    I was a bit worried about our pistols at that point, being out of Texas.

    All they did was ask if we were U.S. citizens and let us roll after we said yes. No ID presented or any other interaction. Just a thank you from him and we were gone.

    I found it very strange.

  11. @Dadof4
    Exact same scenario as we encountered in NH, just asking if we were US citizens.
    I’m sure, however, they are trained to look for subtle red flags. Nervousness. Fidgeting. Accents not common for the area the stop is occurring in (for example in our area, French). I’m sure there are plenty of other things they are looking for the average person might not even think about. For example, upon approaching the Agent, I lowered not only my driver’s window, but the rear seat windows so it could be easily seen that no one was in the back seat.


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