That time when Prosecutor Trey Gowdy was on Forensics Files – IOTW Report

That time when Prosecutor Trey Gowdy was on Forensics Files

Ironically, this episode dealt with the murder of a hairdresser.
Thankfully, her murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

But Gowdy’s hairdresser remains at large.

15 Comments on That time when Prosecutor Trey Gowdy was on Forensics Files

  1. Gowdy, since elected to Congress has no indictments, prosecutions or incarcerations of the Nation’s largest corrupt, criminal enterprises involved in fraud, pay to play, murder, collusion, sedition, destruction of evidence, arms sales to terrorists and drug Lords, financial support of US enemies, witness tampering, and laundering money, to name just a few.

  2. Cato: I share your frustration regarding the lack of any indictments or prosecutions or incarcerations during the last seven years. However, there has never been a single person indicted, prosecuted, or indicted by any member of Congress in our country’s history. Those powers reside in the executive branch of our government. More specifically, with the Department of Justice. Under Osmidgen, none of the those crimes were ever going to be prosecuted by Attorney Generals Holder or Lynch. Under Trump, the Department of Justice is still infested with holdovers from the Osmidgen years. Everything depends on what U.S. Attorney Huber uncovers and does with the people responsible for our descent into lawlessness under the eight years of Fundamental Transformation.

  3. @Marco

    How many referrals for prosecution has the DOJ made in the last 8 years regarding Benghazi, Fast and Furious, financial support of terrorists, government corruption, missing $Billions from the Dept. of State, arming terrorists, bribery to IRAN, Pay to play, National security breaches on private e-mail servers, Clinton Crime Syndicate (Foundation), foreign campaign finance irregularities, sedition, collusion, treason, destroying evidence, etc., etc., etc.

    Beyond frustration. Disgust and Revulsion are closer to the truth.

  4. Ok, I’ll pile on.

    Kinda like a Pontiac Fiero – nowhere near as great as you thought when you first saw it.

    That being said, maybe TG could have greatness in him. Hard to tell.

  5. Cato: It is now up to Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions and U.S. Attorney John Huber to make those things right. If you feel angry about these obvious illegalities under the Osmidgen Administration it’s understandable. So are we all. If the most qualified person to ever run for anything had managed to get elected, nothing would ever happen to bring these seditious bastards and crooked thieves to account. Clinton would never have allowed the Department of Justice under Attorney General Lynch to pursue these obvious wrongdoings. Thankfully, elections really do have consequences. We will all know more in a few months.


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