This Could Be A Major Reason Democrats Won’t Press Charges Against The Awans – IOTW Report

This Could Be A Major Reason Democrats Won’t Press Charges Against The Awans

DC: Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Caller News Foundation, Chris Bedford, shed light on a hacking scandal Wednesday surrounding Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke and her possible ties to Pakistan.

“These allegations bring a new kind of allegation to the whole Awan case. So far we’ve really been dealing with hacking and unauthorized access to networks, possibly ferreting information back to Pakistan,” Bedford said on Fox Business’ “Mornings With Maria.” “Now we actually have people who are implicating a chief of staff for a congresswoman, Yvette Clarke. Chief of staff Shelley Davis.”

Bedford said Davis was implicated by Clarke’s deputy chief of staff Wendy Anderson, who suspected Davis was working with Abid Awan to steal equipment and information from Congress.

“[Anderson] had walked in around December 2015 in the office and she’d found Awan with iPads, iPods, little music players. All this different computer equipment spread around the desk of the Congresswoman’s office. She ordered him out and after a little while told investigators that she thought that he was ordering equipment which came from about 10 percent of the Congresswoman’s budget, to sell with the Chief of staff.”  more

7 Comments on This Could Be A Major Reason Democrats Won’t Press Charges Against The Awans

  1. The major reason is that there are literally dozens of democrats that gave access to their computers, to these spies, and did so for years. And nothing has been done about it. I’m going to be pretty damn pissed off if we don’t start seeing some perp walks over what had been going on!

  2. Oh it’s much bigger than the usual theft going on here. There was secret information stolen and transfered to Pakistan along with scads of personal info on many in congress. This was espionage and in a big way.


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