UK: Labour Party is using mentally vulnerable people as violent attack dogs – IOTW Report

UK: Labour Party is using mentally vulnerable people as violent attack dogs

The Rebel: I’m sure I’m not going to shock you when I say I think that the far-left antifa thugs are mentally ill. But I think it’s an important point to make again, following on from the events of the Lewisham East hustings. I wrote about this recently, explaining exactly what happened, when Labour-sponsored thugs violently shut down a democratic hustings in Lewisham.

Throughout all the footage taken by bystanders and attendees of that horrific evening, one person really stood out. He was a podgy-looking (yes, I know, I’m not exactly a male model), scruffy bloke – probably late twenties or early thirties – screaming at people as they went past him.

So steadfast in his belief that he is the decider of morality, the ultimate judge and the all-knowing leader of the far-left’s righteous crusade, this guy screamed at the top of his lungs to the point that is voice broke and saliva flew out of his mouth at innocent attendees.

He screamed and shouted “scum” at normal people who had to bustle their way through a violent crowd, just to hear the candidates in the by-election speak.  more here

7 Comments on UK: Labour Party is using mentally vulnerable people as violent attack dogs

  1. The Left has been doing this for nigh onto 100 years. They can thereby deny provoking the nuts to action (“They’re crazy, we had nothing to do with it”) while any retaliation against violent nuts earns the Left’s preachy rebuke (“But they were CRAZY, you have to be gentle with them!”), so it’s a twofer.

  2. “You just have to look at antifa and know they are mentally off. Especially because they don’t see the irony of what they’re doing.”

    Two reasons they don’t see the irony.

    One, they are truly crazy and can’t think in a straight line.

    Two, they (majority of them, I now believe) damn well don’t oppose fascism when they’re doing it because they’re convinced it’s necessary. They won’t ever admit that what they’re doing is Brownshirt level fascism even if they realize it, which I believe many of them do. They won’t call it ironic, much less hypocrisy, even though they can see it’s technically both…because they have A Righteous Cause and that makes it all right.

    Of the two, group B is more dangerous because they’ve convinced they’re right and you’re evil. That removes ALL their restraints, as we’re beginning to see.

  3. “mentally vulnerable people”

    Unpack that for me. Are we talking idiots or morons? Cretins? Leftists? It makes a difference. This PC speak bullshit deprives me of crucial information I need to make an informed decision.


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