DeSantis Dismantles Obstruction Claims While Grilling Rosenstein: ‘You Should Be Recused’ – IOTW Report

DeSantis Dismantles Obstruction Claims While Grilling Rosenstein: ‘You Should Be Recused’

“Let me ask you this …” said DeSantis. “You know, they talk about the ‘Mueller investigation’ — it’s really the ‘Rosenstein investigation.’ You appointed Mueller, you are supervising Mueller — and then supposedly about collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia and obstruction of justice — but you wrote the memo saying Comey should be fired, and you signed the FISA extension for Carter Page. So my question is to you — seems like you should be recused from this more so than Jeff Sessions just because you were involved in making decisions affecting both prongs of this investigation. Why haven’t you done that?”  MORE

12 Comments on DeSantis Dismantles Obstruction Claims While Grilling Rosenstein: ‘You Should Be Recused’

  1. DeSanris would be great Governor, but Adam Putnam is more recognized statewide. Either would be better than anything on the Democrat side.
    Bob Graham’s daughter (entitled and her turn cause she is Daddy’s girl)
    Our Tallahassee Mayor Gollum (he’s black and far left loon)
    Former mayor of Miami Beach Philip Levine (Jewish far left loon gun grabber and wanting to boost minimum wages and teachers salaries – don’t bother asking how to pay for them.
    Jeff Greene (rich liberal Jew who is mainly against Trump)
    And some other lesser knowns.

  2. Mayor Gilliam (spellcheck made it Gollum)
    Anyway, he is too stupid to understand there are 67 counties. He could have stayed here and could have been mayor for life (I mentioned he is black).
    Meanwhile, Daddy’s girl is going to have to go far left to compete with the real lefty prima y challengers.

  3. AAG Rosenstein…
    Is a professional slime ball,
    He thinks he knows more than anybody else,
    But he will be in for the shock of his life,
    He does not!
    Not even the scintilla of honor anywhere in a slimy body.

  4. RR needs to talk to Justin about getting some eyebrows.
    What a smug little turd. He’s the little creep that we’d place on top of the teatherball and play until the sun went down. RR would never again have that grin on his face again.

  5. Someone answer this.

    In 7 days, if the docs aren’t provided to Congress, what’s Congress going to do? Hold someone in contempt? So what? Can that result in jail time? Where’s the teeth in this?

  6. Have we all figured out yet that Congress exists to enrich its members and the people who put them there, and nothing else?

    Are you all watching the to and fro, the sound bites, the “Well I Never!” moments they spew in front of the cameras?

    What they do that matters, you’ll never see.

    What you see is nothing that matters.

    It actually doesn’t even rise to the level of misdirection. Because they know we’re never going to pull their hair out.

    Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter… those are the true cares and fields of battle for society today.

    Words. Memes. Strongly worded posts.

    Because they know this, they have not erased the Second Amendment. It just isn’t necessary. And they laugh at our outrage expressed in cunningly crafted, devastating photographic memes.

    Because those are impotent. An expression that today is the true reflection of the ‘patriot’.

  7. Our great Congressmen’s Political Mud Wrestling at its best. No one will get hurt, its all for show for the general public. Its been choreographed and rehearsed same as TV wrestling from the 50s and 60s. Next week they’ll have a few new faces with a few ruffled feathers and a splat of fake blood or two, but with the same impotent results. Atta Boy, go get em…


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