Tom Steyer using convicted Russian spy to promote Green energy campaign – IOTW Report

Tom Steyer using convicted Russian spy to promote Green energy campaign


In a turn of events for Tom Steyer, a green energy campaign he supports has been caught employing a man previously convicted of spying for the former Soviet Union.

Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona is a campaign calling for Arizona to drastically increase its renewable portfolio. The group has received all of its funding from NextGen Climate Action, an environmentalist organization founded and funded by Steyer. The Arizona campaign has already received negative publicity for its rampant employment of felons as petition circulars — which is against the law in the state. Clean Energy for a Healthy Arizona has registered a number of convicted criminals to circulate petitions on its behalf, including a murderer, kidnappers and numerous others convicted of armed robbery, battery and domestic violence.

Now the Steyer-backed campaign has been caught employing another convicted felon: Clayton J. Lonetree.  more here

11 Comments on Tom Steyer using convicted Russian spy to promote Green energy campaign

  1. I don’t like Steyer (but he is spending his own money — stupidly!) and I don’t like his silly campaign.

    I question the efficacy of damning convicted felons, who have paid their “debt to society,” to the trash dumpsters of life, however.

    Clayton Lonetree served his time, was thought of highly in the military and, according to Wiki:

    “The Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Alfred M. Gray, Jr., recommended to the Secretary of the Navy that Lonetree’s sentence be reduced from 30 to 15 years in a letter written in 1989 that said that the effect of Private Lonetree’s actions “was minimal.” In addition, he said, the Marine’s motivation “was not treason or greed, but rather the lovesick response of a naive, young, immature and lonely troop in a lonely and hostile environment.”

    How much longer will society damn Lonetree? …..Lady in Red

  2. This is really quite interesting. Last night I happened upon a short video. I’ll try to find it to post later here. The makers of the video show their proof that ecology activists in the U.S. who are protesting oil and gas production and various pipelines are getting their money from Russia. It is being shifted through various organizations (laundered) until it is finally “granted” to the activist organizations. The purpose of this money shell game to support American protest against fossil fuels so that Russian oligarchs maintain their position in global oil. Quite interesting.

  3. birds of a feather

    And the pussy-hatted half of the country want to question what we mean by MAGA?!
    It’s simply, putting Americans and America first. That fundamentally disturbs them.

  4. Lady in Red, gee I don’t know but treason is treason! Who knows how much damage he could have caused if not caught. He did have his sentence reduced but to reduce all sanctions seems may be a step too far. Then again I don’t recall all the facts of the case.

    Abigail, I have read the same thing at a number of sites. Of course Russian intrusion is only a problem when it can be attached to Trump. Libs are free to use whatever means possible to support their policy.

  5. Lady In Red – I do appreciate hearing the other side of the story.

    But, as for whether having felons that have paid their debt to society should be allowed to circulate petitions is a valid question, and maybe should be debated*, the fact is the law says doing so is illegal. Steyer is ignoring the law on the books.

    * I would rather not have ex-felons knocking door-to-door in my neighborhood

  6. Well ain’t this a paradoxical twist of fate.
    Right around Top Gun Times.
    Bad Timing for espionage.
    Tail end of the Cold War Era.
    Marines kinda got a thing, you see.
    But he did some time.
    Still, it plots Steyers circles


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