Congressman Believes Rosenstein’s Agents Are Spying On Him – IOTW Report

Congressman Believes Rosenstein’s Agents Are Spying On Him

Daily Caller: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) believes government personnel working for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is spying on his office, he told WMAL’s “Morning on the Mall” Friday.

“I don’t doubt for a minute that he has people who have been looking into my background. I’ve been told as much by some other folks,” Gohmert told WMAL host and Daily Caller editorial director Vince Coglianese. Gohmert continued to Coglianese that “I’ve had people who work for the government saying they know everybody that comes in your office.”

The congressman caveated that he did not believe any such operation was overseen by Rosenstein personally but that it was people who worked for him. “There’s always deniability,” he said.

Gohmert’s comments after Rosenstein’s testimony before the House judiciary committee Thursday where he was repeatedly pressed on his role in renewing the FISA warrant on former Trump staffer Carter Page.

A spokesman from the Department of Justice did not respond to a request for comment. LISTEN


10 Comments on Congressman Believes Rosenstein’s Agents Are Spying On Him

  1. The DOJ and the FBI (like the IRS) have become the enforcers of the deep state.

    If only we had a US Attorney General who knew what was happening and had the ability to clean house.

  2. Assets trying to protect Gohmert from people who want to hurt him is what is happening. Republicans need a lot of protection. Assets calling and visiting all kinds of people to help protect the USA which they love so much. Just ask them…

  3. This is the only logical outcome of an administrative government/state that has run amok. “Career” gov’t (unelected) employees whose jobs are often protected either by unions or laws written with absurd levels of protection not found in the private sector. And if either of those firewalls fail, there is a built-in structure to every agency that has a fail safe guaranteeing absolutely no accountability. Gov’t is a closed system.

    I don’t think even POTUS Trump and the people who followed him the WH realized just how bad it was. He’s even said as much over the past year and half. But I continue to have confidence in his ability to assess a situation in its essence, gather people who know the details, and develop and execute a plan.


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