Mizzou’s $49-Million Budget Deficit Is Not Their Only Problem – IOTW Report

Mizzou’s $49-Million Budget Deficit Is Not Their Only Problem

Daily Caller: The University of Missouri’s nearly $50-million budget deficit three years after protests rocked the campus is not its only shortcoming, a state senator suggested Friday.

Missouri Republican Sen. Tom Hurst explained his own experience at Mizzou, as well as why his daughter chose not to attend the school, in a conversation with The College Fix.

“[Mizzou] is more concerned about their image and [Michigan State University] was more concerned about the student,” Hurst said, explaining why his daughter decided to go to the latter school.

The senator also critiqued his own experience while attending Mizzou.

“I feel like I had to educate myself versus having the professors educate me,” he said. “They didn’t care if I showed up or not, they were going to get paid anyway.”  more here

9 Comments on Mizzou’s $49-Million Budget Deficit Is Not Their Only Problem

  1. Just as the Owners allowed their paid athlete goons to run the NFL asylum the University of Misery allowed their paid athlete goons to run the University asylum!
    What could go wrong? Right!

  2. Remind me again what hey were afraid of to reject all that nonsense?

    Was it loss of those students? Loss of Alum money? Looking bad, mean, and uncaring?

    I’m filing this one under: Sometimes stupid does hurt.

    Wonder how long you have to go to that college to get that dumb. Or is it a prerequisite.


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