Tarmac Trouble – IOTW Report

Tarmac Trouble

The Powers That Be: Remember when Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton (and Hillary) claimed Bill & Loretta’s meeting at the Phoenix airport was purely by happenstance? Like everything else the Clintons and their minions say, it looks like that was total BS, not that we didn’t already know that:

Deep in the heart of the more than 500-page report, new testimony generates new questions and provides some answers.

Clinton and Lynch have maintained the meeting was not planned. However, the IG’s report may suggest otherwise. Or at least that not all parties were aware.  more here

14 Comments on Tarmac Trouble

  1. I can’t figure out why we have so many investigations showing what a festering cesspool the FBI, DOJ, the demoncrats are, BUT they’re still free, spreading their evil. What happened to, “Lock Her Up!”

    Don’t forget that festering boil of DWS’ creation. I’m just so sick of worthless investigations. I am tired of the elitist justice system.

  2. There are plenty of libs out there like Bill Maher for example that not only swallowed that lie they chugged it.
    The barking seals on the left are too slow witted to see the implausibility of that event.

  3. The HUGE big elephant standing in the room is the super secret FBI report that just happens to be specifically about AG Lynch AND the Clintons.

    And just for grins and giggles the extra happy coincidence happens to be that the FBI says that it is too classified to let ANY of the congressional committees see it. You know those Congressional Committees that are specifically charged by the Constitution to have oversight over the FBI. You know the FBI, that supposed part of the Dept of JUSTICE that has been shown to be totally in the bag for the Demoncrats in general and Felony Von Pantsuit in particular.

    Yes, those FBI critters, are the ones saying it is “Too highly classified” to allow the oversight committee to see it.

    Perhaps if our republican congress critters could receive a spinal infusion, or perhaps if the President of the United States decided to DE-classify said smoking gun…oh I don’t know, maybe sometime in late September – October time frame, maybe the people of this country could be treated to a show as to just how badly the institutions of JUSTICE were corrupted under “The Light Bringer” obama and his trusty side-kick Felony Von Pantsuit.

    MSG Grumpy

  4. The great pains that must have been taken to set up this meeting along with the cover story loudly shouts that something big went down there..and I don’t mean Lynch.

  5. Ayy! Jus because da Gambino Consigliere’s bodyguards (no names), tell da Police Commissioner’s bodyguards (no names), dat day should have a sit down. An den day somehow all jus happens to cross paths in front of a roadside vegetable stand. A few miles outta town. An a few acres from da nearest grid powered electrical device. An day have a pleasant chat. Maybe about “organic” versus “all natural” produce. Dat don’t mean dare was nuffin nefarious! Jus two very important people. Setting up a sit down. To talk about very unimportant things. Of cabbages an kings.

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