Brian Ross Didn’t Resign Over the Fake News Flynn Story, He Resigned Because He Was “Reporter 4” Within James Wolfe Indictment – Senate Intelligence Leak Investigation – IOTW Report

Brian Ross Didn’t Resign Over the Fake News Flynn Story, He Resigned Because He Was “Reporter 4” Within James Wolfe Indictment – Senate Intelligence Leak Investigation

CTH: By now everyone has reported about ABC journalist Brian Ross and his Producer Rhonda Swartz resigning from the network.  However, almost everyone pointing back to Ross’s fake news report on Michael Flynn in December; and almost no-one is pointing out the more obvious motive for the resignation.

Brian Ross was almost guaranteed to be “Reporter 4” in the federal indictment of Senate  former senior senate intelligence committee staffer James Wolfe.  The notorious Senate Intelligence “leaker”.

CTH originally pointed this out when the details of the indictment were released (full pdf below), and research was possible to determine each reporter.  It did not come as a surprise to see the staff from this specific committee leaking secret and top-secret classified information.  The committee rots from the head down.  MORE

8 Comments on Brian Ross Didn’t Resign Over the Fake News Flynn Story, He Resigned Because He Was “Reporter 4” Within James Wolfe Indictment – Senate Intelligence Leak Investigation

  1. so what planet are they moving to in order to avoid the coming indictment?
    resignation does not immunize anyone from coming federal indictments.
    in fact it will more than likely accelerate it’s joyous arrival.

  2. TO inigo

    It creates the appearance of “distance” between the guilty party and the media station (in this case, ABC)…as if *that* will save ABC.

  3. It’d be a crying shame if Stelter and Acosta got snared in this. Although I think they were too stupid to be trusted with anything by the deepers.


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