Never Trumpers Suffer Yet Another Utter Humiliation – IOTW Report

Never Trumpers Suffer Yet Another Utter Humiliation

Kurt Schlichter: Last week was especially glorious not just because we rejected the latest GOPe amnesty scheme, not just because we defunded the left’s union cash extortion machine with the Janus decision, and not just because Justice Kennedy is leaving to be the swing vote on his retirement community HOA. It was especially glorious because these enormous victories – these latest enormous victories – were the direct result of normal Americans giving the gimps, grifters, and geebos of Never Trump the George Costanza treatment by doing precisely the opposite of our alleged betters’ political instincts.

Everything they told us was wrong. If we had done what they demanded, we would not be revelling in the joy of conserva-victory. We would be resigned to yet another defeat. “But Gorsuch” indeed, you never-been-kissed band of losers.

 If we had listened to Never Trump, we’d have voted for Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and we would not only have Merrick Garland (or worse) on the SCOTUS but now she’d be picking another pinko who agrees with the lib bloc that the First Amendment has hitherto unknown asterisks that prevent conservatives from using it, that a bunch of other rights that aren’t in the Constitution actually are, and that the Second Amendment stuff about not infringing on our right to keep and bear arms really means libs can totally infringe on our right to keep and bear arms. Let’s leave aside our booming economy and crushing ISIS and pulling out of the climate scam and maybe peace with North Korea. Just these two Supreme Court picks makes Trump the most important and successful conservative president since The Big R. And we wouldn’t have any of it if that nattering pack of insufferable sissies had had their way.  MORE

8 Comments on Never Trumpers Suffer Yet Another Utter Humiliation

  1. A lot of us had our doubts, but Trump assuaged them by doing something we never expected to see a GOP politician actually do – keep his promises.

    Written by a man with brains. But Greg Guttfield would be upset because we call people RINO’s.

  2. Anonymous @6:28 PM,
    You can do what you want with Ben Shapiro, but I’d rather smash his face in with an 18” pipe wrench, if it’s all the same to you.


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