CNN beaten in ratings by lumber and flowers – IOTW Report

CNN beaten in ratings by lumber and flowers

DC: Fox News marked its 66th consecutive quarter as the most-watched cable television network as rival CNN failed to top even Home and Garden Network and the Discovery Channel.

According to Nielsen Media Research’s ratings for the second quarter of 2018, Fox finished number one in both total day and primetime viewers. The network averaged 1,409,000 million in total viewers and 2,447,000 in primetime viewers and claimed 10 of the top 15 shows in total viewers.

“Hannity” was the most-watched cable news program with 3,368,000 average viewers, besting the 2,752,000 average viewers for MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show.”

MSNBC finished second in total viewers behind Fox and third in primetime behind Fox and TNT, which received a major boost from the NBA playoffs.

Meanwhile,  at CNN…

11 Comments on CNN beaten in ratings by lumber and flowers

  1. I am much happier now that I’ve stopped watching any teevee news of any kind, and instead find out what’s important in the world by reading the tabloid headlines while in the grocery store checkout.

  2. @LocoBlancoSaltine – Hmm. This has the makings of a Contest!
    “I would rather _________ than watch 30 msecs of CNN”

    I would rather watch two hours of alternating clips from Paint Your Wagon with Lee Marvin singing I Was Born Under a Wandering Star switching off with Clint Eastwood singing I Talk To the Trees than watch 30 msecs of CNN.


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