‘Army Discharging Immigrants’ Story May Not Be The Outrage It’s Cracked Up To Be – IOTW Report

‘Army Discharging Immigrants’ Story May Not Be The Outrage It’s Cracked Up To Be

DC: On Thursday, The Associated Press published a story with a headline that read, “US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits.” That headline was quickly met with outrage — but the story itself isn’t anything new.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush called the move “disappointing.”

Film producer Adam Best claimed that the recruits were being discharged because they were immigrants.

But as retired Army Col. Kurt Schlicter predicted, there was more to the story.

I guess Jon’s offering his expertise in military personnel issues.
Here’s what’s going to happen.
It’s going to come out that a lot of them didn’t show up for training, or failed training, or couldn’t get security clearances.
And the media will never say a word about it.


14 Comments on ‘Army Discharging Immigrants’ Story May Not Be The Outrage It’s Cracked Up To Be

  1. The MSM demonstrates their ignorance every day if you are not an idiot yourself. When they decide to cover issues like this, military service, which not one of these pinheads has even come close to, expect the errors to max out.

    It’s virgins offering opinions on advanced sex acts.

    Please don’t miss the chance to call them up and tell them what idiots they really are. I know I don’t.

  2. Here’s my story. A story I’M PROUD OF:
    I came to America in 1959 legally, When I turned 18, I registered for the draft. I was promptly drafted. I was “dragged” away from a great job as an apprentice carpenter on the ramps from the Lincoln Tunnel to the New Port Authority Building at 42nd St. NYC. They are still in operation.

    The way it happened was. I got a letter from “Uncle Sam” with a 15 cent subway token to appear at 21 Whitehall Street, NYC on such and such a date
    in 1960. I was living in the Bronx at the time with two other Micks. I showed on time and went through a battery of tests , the toughest one was taking a leak.

    I figured I’d be back in the Bronx that evening to take care of my personal stuff, tools, clothing etc. No go. That evening I was in Fort Dix, New Jersey where my head was shaven and I was issued a shit load of clothing. Free.
    I called my buddy in the Bronx to have him deliver my stuff to my aunt in Manhattan. Which he did.
    Next day, after a long bus ride I arrived at Fort Jackson S.C. After that I went the Fort Gordon Georgia where they made me a Military Policeman. I wanted Combat Engineers, because I was a carpenter? But that’s the Army.
    Then I was off the Italy as an MP. 1961, no talk of Vietnam at the time
    My goal was to be an American Citizen so I was a good soldier, well , not to say I didn’t fuck up here and there. My heart was in the right place.

    We had some scary times; Bay of Pigs 4/1961, Cuban Missile Crisis 10/62.
    Berlin Wall 8/1961, and the killi9ng of President Kennedy

    I was discharged and be came an American Citizen in November 1964.

    I agree these wheeners are Week End Warriors, who are in for the money and don’t show up for drills , meetings, or training exercises.


    Being born in America and understanding absofufikingnothing about the rest of the fucking world. Makes you all fucking idiots. I;m speaking to libtard idiots

  4. It also helps to have been in the military and seeing the rest of the World to give oneself a greater appreciation of what it means to be an American and how good we have it here compared to the rest of the World. It sure opened my eyes when I got to see and experience SE Asia and the Persian Gulf working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, the USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 in the mid 1970’s. The first time I saw Shit River in the Philippines in Dec. 1973 in Olongapo City across from the Subic (Pubic) Bay Naval station I was appalled and realized how good we had it in America since I had never seen real poverty before. We have a poverty of spirit in America that incapacitates people into thinking they’re poor (when they’re really not, the democraps just like to keep them believing that) while the Third World has real poverty of condition.

  5. Don’t get me wrong. I love my American friends, but some of them don;t understand what it’s like to live in a Country where if you are a carpenter’s son you will remain a carpenter’s son Not in America.
    Son’s and daughters, become Surgeons and Lawyers.

  6. We’ll, ya know , there’s at least one well known carpenter’s Son that made a really big impact in history.
    MT’s story shows there are other carpenters who aren’t as well known.


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