Trump to NATO: PAY YOUR BILLS! – IOTW Report


American Thinker: President Trump made an impassioned speech about the United States’ generally worthless allies, the ones in NATO who promise to spend 2% of their GDP on defense and then go their merry way, spending it on padded welfare benefits for migrants instead.  The U.S. picks up the tab for that stuff, and then Europe’s intellectuals have the nerve to deride the U.S. for its giant defense budget.  Amazing how that works.

Trump called them out on it in Montana yesterday.  Breitbart reported him saying this:

“I’m going to tell NATO, ‘You gotta start paying your bills. The United States is not going to take care of everything,'” he said to loud cheering from the crowd in Great Falls, Montana.

…and oh, what a fluttering, clucking, chicken-feather response over in the NATO coop.    MORE

8 Comments on Trump to NATO: PAY YOUR BILLS!

  1. Gee Wally, I guess President Trump let them know that there’s a new sheriff in town and that the United States is no longer being run by Revrum Wright’s jug-eared Uncle Sucker, kneeling on a prayer rug with his ass in the air and a red ball gag harness in his mouth!

    You got it Beave! Time for these deadbeats to pony up and pay their fair share!

  2. Yeah, we gotta cut some corners. One is all our personnel we have stationed all over Europe. Oh, and we need to dismantle our buildings. Got to save that nickel and use them again somewhere else, Oh and those missiles, we got some new friends that want them

  3. Europe has turned socialist … socialists don’t pay their bills; it’s part of the process … that’s why all socialist states fail quickly

    (& please don’t give me that ‘Soviet Union lasted for 70 years’ crap; 70 years is a blink of the eye in civilized history … & do you really want to point to the USSR as a ‘success’?)

    eff Europe. they dug their graves …. let them lie in them (coming from a son of practically 98% European ancestry) … maybe they’ll wake up in time, but I’m not counting on it … they are being conquered at this very moment

  4. You know what happens if you don’t pay your rent? Including all the past times you didn’t quite have all of it? You get kicked out.

    Here’s a thought. Run the numbers. Just “back of the envelope”. If it looks close, we’ll skip the “real” GDP versus “real” expenditures. If not, you can clear up the arrears, before 2020. Or you can get out of NATO. And, if you’re a little short, just talk to The Bank of Germany Über Alles. They claim to own all of Europe’s IOUs.

  5. Tell all the past presidents thanks for that shit. They saw it happening and let it ride. We could afford it.

    Sort of like the trade tariffs much in the news today. Seems like nobody in the news rooms of the MSM bothers to look at what other countries have imposed on us for decades.

    Want to import a Chevy Impala into Japan? Look it up. Want to sell machine tools in Germany? Look it up.

    Our politicians have butt fucked us for decades on trade and sold us out for pennies on the thousand.

    Trump is starting to suggest something like a non-rape trade balance and everybody owned by the international banks just got the vapors.

    Because the banks might just lose a percent or just maybe two.

    They kill people for that. Or just overturn governments.

    Stand by.

  6. That’s right Euro turds. The days of spending 100% of your GDP on handouts for your citizens while relying on the US to provide military protection are over. No more 20 hour workweeks. No more free healthcare. No more retiring at 50. Get back to work! We’re done carrying your asses. Thank you, DJT.

  7. If you didn’t watch DJT’s rally in Montana you need to. That’s my guy. I think I read he’s one of three presidents that have visited Montana. Such a great event. He connects so well with these people. He gets it. He understands our struggles. We are blessed.


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