Feminist Gets ‘Sexist’ Pajamas Removed from Kids’ Clothing Store – IOTW Report

Feminist Gets ‘Sexist’ Pajamas Removed from Kids’ Clothing Store

Dangerous: A clothing company is facing the wrath of full-blown feminist delusion after being forced to pull a pajama shirt for children off its website.

The damning slogan causing all the trouble? A shirt reading “Boys will be Boys.”

Local Melbourne busy-body Bridie Harris was shocked at the design while shopping at Peter Alexander Sleepwear. She scurried to Facebook and wrote the company, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.

“Boy won’t be boys. Boys will be held accountable for their actions. I hate to see an Australian store, who makes such great pjs, put such a sexist statement on a t-shirt intended for young boys. Excusing boys of their behavior is not a step in the right direction. It’s 2018,” she scolded them in a message on June 20.

Somehow, what others saw as a cute slogan based in the common vernacular, made Harris see red believing in a larger connotation that males “tend to get away with stuff just because they are boys.”  more here



New Latin, from English hysteric, adjective, from Latin hystericus, from Greek hysterikos, from hystera womb; from the Greek notion that hysteria was peculiar to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus.


21 Comments on Feminist Gets ‘Sexist’ Pajamas Removed from Kids’ Clothing Store

  1. Feminists will be Feminists. ‘Boys will be Boys’ means they are going to screw around, be mischievous and will be scolded, reprimanded or punished for their actions.

    When they ‘get-away’ with these acts it is the fault of their Feminist-raised parents who cannot understand that punishment for mis-deedds is a Love from a responsible adult – allowing them to grow in personality and know what correct limits are.

  2. Will just once one of these besieged retailers tell one of these screeching fruitcakes to take their business somewhere else if they don’t like the product.
    You can never please everybody, I don’t care how far you bend over backwards, so why try to placate crazy people. it just ain’t worth it.
    Take a stand against idiocy and save your self respect.

  3. @Jack Duggin Was His Name July 7, 2018 at 12:20 pm

    > Feminists will be Feminists.

    Of course. It’s who they are.

    > ‘Boys will be Boys’ means they are going to screw around, be mischievous and will be scolded, reprimanded or punished for their actions.

    No. Not even close. Well, unless you’re a feminist.

    Boys being boys, means boys not being feminists. Period. Full stop. Of course feminists, and feminist governments, will attack them for that. Those attacks have nothing to do with boys being evil. Unless, of course, you’re a feminist.

  4. The projection never ends. A feminist angry that males ‘aren’t held accountable’ for their actions. Hysterically funny but for the fact that feminism is ending civilization with an efficiency that makes full blown nuclear war seem trifling. It’s the Leftist/Feminist/Marxist machine fueled by nuclear-grade, unadulterated, purified, refined, rarefied, aerated, stainless, acid-washed, fully tested for integrity, 100% pure PROJECTION. Any issue, any opinion, any belief, any law, any stance, any movement, any reaction is based purely on their PROJECTION.

  5. @moochoman July 7, 2018 at 12:59 pm

    >Will just once one of these besieged retailers tell one of these screeching fruitcakes to take their business somewhere else if they don’t like the product.

    Exactly right. Capitalism has lost its testicles, giving in to every crazy demand by socialists/feminists/neurotics.

  6. @Anonymous, when my daughter was in high school, (graduated 2005) the homosexual special rights movement was coming on strong. I bought her a sweatshirt that said “Straight Pride”.
    I loved tweaking the school.
    One of my boys got in trouble for drawing a gun on a report about a military career so I bought him a shirt that at first glance looked like a peace sign. On closer examination it was a fighter jet and said, “Peace from above”.
    Then my other son was tattled on for wearing a necklace with a one inch jack knife hanging on it. Suspended 5 days for carrying a weapon. So I bought him a tee shirt of a giant, open jack knife.
    They loved me.

  7. beachmom JULY 7, 2018 AT 5:20 PM

    Many, many, MANY years ago my mom bought me a t-shirt with two vultures pictured on the front and the caption below,
    “Patience my ass, I’m gonna go kill something!”


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