Apparently, the FBI Withheld Strzok and Page Memos/Emails From Inspector General and Congress – Until Now – IOTW Report

Apparently, the FBI Withheld Strzok and Page Memos/Emails From Inspector General and Congress – Until Now

CTH: Well, this is interesting.  The substance of the latest information is better read by reviewing the presentation of John Solomon [SEE HERE]

The dynamic that catches my interest is how some unknown and unnamed officials inside the FBI apparently kept memos and emails between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok hidden while Inspector General Michael Horowitz was conducting his prior investigation into their conduct during the Clinton email investigation:

[…]  Memos the FBI is now producing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general and multiple Senate and House committees offer what sources involved in the production, review or investigation describe to me as “damning” or “troubling” evidence.

They show Strzok and his counterintelligence team rushing in the fall of 2016 to find “derogatory” information from informants or a “pretext” to accelerate the probe and get a surveillance warrant on figures tied to the future president. (read more)

The motive for releasing them now seems unfortunately related to the current focus of the IG review which is focused on FISA abuse, and the likelihood the DOJ/FBI constructed an intelligence apparatus to target the Trump campaign: ie. “Spygate“.

CTH selects the word “unfortunately” because in our estimation the FISA investigation is institutionally constructed to go no-where.  The FISA system was/is set up to protect the interests of all government agents and operators who would utilize the surveillance tools.  more here

5 Comments on Apparently, the FBI Withheld Strzok and Page Memos/Emails From Inspector General and Congress – Until Now

  1. And as usual the perps will walk
    away clean after committing crimes that would see the hoi-poloi sent
    to the slammer for many a hard year.
    This is how a “failed state” becomes one. Once it’s clear there are 2 sets
    of laws the contract is broken and there Are No laws. Think Venezuela.
    Now add 400 million firearms and an angry citizenry.

  2. @Anonymous July 7, 2018 at 3:58 pm

    > Now add 400 million firearms and an angry citizenry.

    Angry, yes. But as long as they keep reciting the article of faith, given to them by The Party, “It’s our country!” (showing their “individuality”, by changing “six” to “half a dozen”, with the same like “Love it, or leave it” and “Patriot!), they’ll never stop doing, not merely supporting, but doing, the evil, mostly directed at themselves, ordered by “their” government. Because it’s “their” government. Just like it’s “their” country. So The Party says. So it must be true.

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