Byron York: Nunes Is Up To Something – IOTW Report

Byron York: Nunes Is Up To Something

CFP: Devin Nunes is up to something. The House Intelligence Committee chairman has been writing letters lately, asking that two other House chairman — Bob Goodlatte of the Judiciary Committee and Trey Gowdy of the Oversight Committee — pick up parts of the Trump-Russia investigation that Nunes started. It’s as if Nunes, who shook loose some of the key publicly-known facts in the probe, is having a grand going-out-of-business sale. But that’s clearly not the case. So what, in fact, is going on?  more here

7 Comments on Byron York: Nunes Is Up To Something

  1. The mid terms are right around the corner. It is time to put some evidence on the table and do some real damage to the swamp. We can’t afford to lose the house or senate, but they are in jeopardy if we just keep on with non stop investigations. They are getting nothing done, except running out the clock.

  2. Speckle8 Speckle8 Speckle8.

    That’s all we ever get to do. We get the latest Doctor Evil on the ropes, got the goods on ‘em, no escaping, undeniable culpability…

    We speckle8, They skate. Every time.

    At some point the game grows tiresome.


  3. Shit, or get off the pot.
    I want to see silver bracelets, and perp walks, trials, convictions, jail cells, and loss of retirements and benefits. I want BLOOD!!!!

  4. I hate the idea that those scum could be back in control. That would be the end of any chance to get justice as everything incriminating would be destroyed forever.
    Why Trump doesn’t call for the release of all documents is a mystery to me, but if he doesn’t it means that they all slip the noose and his momentum will grind to a snails pace.


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