Duterte Declares He Will Resign If Someone Can Prove God’s Existence – IOTW Report

Duterte Declares He Will Resign If Someone Can Prove God’s Existence

DC: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte garnered the ire of religious people yet again Friday by declaring that he would resign if anyone could prove God’s existence.

Duterte, who is president of the most Catholic country in Asia, previously angered Christians when he asserted that God was stupid for placing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden and allowing humans to destroy the perfection of His creation. He made his most recent inflammatory comments in a Friday speech at a science and technology event in the city of Davao, questioning the logic of original sin and the existence of God.  more here


SNIP: I think I know where this is going. Next thing you know, he’ll tell you he’s god.

20 Comments on Duterte Declares He Will Resign If Someone Can Prove God’s Existence

  1. Nietzsche: “God is dead”.

    God: “Nietzsche is dead”.

    Just as with Nietzsche, I’m absolutely certain that God will still be alive when Rodrigo Duterte takes his last breath in a flesh body.

  2. Easy. Someone or someTHING kept Hilldog out of the White House when the fix was already in place from the Kenyan’s years. SomeTHING supernatural MUST have intervened. My money is on the BIG GUY.

  3. Good Book says pain is its own teacher.

    If a person ain’t careful, they can make a profession out of revenge.

    The same God that made you and me also made the rattlesnake.

    No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.

  4. It’s extremely hard to prove the existence of God except by faith. I’d rather have faith in God than faith in anything that man has ever done on his own believing the first lie the serpent (Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil, Lucifer etc.) told Eve that if she ate the apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, look where that got us. God’s grace is also more than sufficient for me, I’m a big enough mess on my own but his grace gets me through all the messes of life and that’s enough to convince me that God is real.

  5. “If you don’t believe God exists at all, about the only hope you have at all is that he not be there. That’s your hope – Maybe he’s not there. What we’re saying is ‘We trust that he is.
    You are going to die. Don’t forget that.”
    -Phil Roberson

  6. Only YOU can prove God’s existence
    to yourself. I’ve been around long
    enough and experienced things that
    leave no doubt in my mind that God
    is always with us.

  7. Reminds me of the joke about the Marine going to college. The professor stands up and says,”I want God to prove His existence to me by coming down and striking me in the next 15 minutes.”
    Near the end of the 15 minutes, the Marine gets up and smacks the professor to the floor. When the prof gets up, he’s sputtering, “why’d you do that?”
    “Because God couldn’t be here, He’s protecting the troops that made it possible for you to be a spouting idiot. So He sent me in His place.”

  8. @ApacheWarrior: Are you saying that God sent MacArthur, or that MacArthur WAS God?
    If the latter, I’m pretty sure that MacArthur would’ve agreed with you.

  9. I’ve cheated death about 4 times now and that proves to me that there is a God. Hillary lost an election that she thought God provided for her, but God showed her that she was not the chosen one. We all can see God’s hand working for his people.

  10. This one is easy.
    Everything that exists is created in some fashion or other. Mountains have uplift and lava to aid them. You exist. People and flora have biological processes aiding them.
    The same goes for the universe.
    Nothing pops out of nowhere without an original causal factor. Even empty space had something cause it to be there and empty.
    So if it exists it was created.
    By whom is a question left to the observer.

  11. I’ll dance the thin line to say, when a leader is raised up and is willing to drop the hammer of accountability on a society that has avoided the same for so long. Are we really surprised at the possible carnage that will come from both sides? Which Pope do we ask for a little moral clarity? An institution made by God and managed by sissy men. Communism is winning world wide. The fUSA is the last stop. Civil and military war will come eventually because of lack of accountability.

  12. Man, I could not survive knowing that I was separated from God or that I was forsaken from his grace. Don’t even like thinking about that. So many prayers answered, not always in the way I wanted (one proposes, God disposes). Yes, my prayers! From an unworthy sinner beseeching the will of the Creator of all that is seen and unseen. I just can’t fathom people living their daily lives without the faith and refusing to acknowledge his existence.

  13. Someone needs to ask him what the criteria are for his proof. His is a classic move designed to keep the faithful jumping through hoops while he throws out arbitrary demands and changes the rules on the fly. It’s called iterative skepticism. In reality, answering a fool according to his folly is a poor approach. To often, Christians fall for a defense-only apologetic when a good offensive apologetic is called for.


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