Survey: Americans own 46% of the world’s 1 billion guns – IOTW Report

Survey: Americans own 46% of the world’s 1 billion guns

American Military News: There are more than 1 billion firearms in the world today, of which 46 percent are owned by Americans, according to a recent survey.

And, 857 million guns are owned by civilians, the survey says.  read more


37 Comments on Survey: Americans own 46% of the world’s 1 billion guns

  1. Sounds like a challenge…I just wish they’d take into account of

    all those Guns I lost in the Hurricane/housefire/boat sinking/ robbery

    absentmindedness/ Hurricane (We get a lot of Hurricanes)

  2. Now that is something Obama can look back on with pride. I for one doubled the number guns I own during the first 2 years of that Marxist butt-pirate’s reign. And that number stands at 21 thank you very much.

    Molan Labe to all the libtards who want a civil f’ing war. MOLAN LABE!

  3. 46%?

    Let’s all be sure we’re doing our part. President Trump should issue a national challenge, like JFK challenging us to put a man on the moon, to achieve 99% ownership of all the worlds guns.

  4. The Small Arms Survey is highly suspect. Funded by UN World Health Organization and God knows who else (Soros? Bloomberg?). Here is one example from Wikipedia:

    “The data offered by the Small Arms Survey has several times been denounced as misleading or incorrect. The best known case is the estimation of the amount of firearms in Finland. The number was so high that virtually every Finnish family should have an illegal firearm at home (on top of all the legal ones) to be true. This number has since then kept popping up as the Small Arms Survey has not corrected it, despite even the Finnish ministry of interior making a statement that the numbers are completely wrong.”

  5. I’ve noticed that these misleading stories keep popping up in publications like Military Times. It looks like the left is going after service personnel in a big way lately.

  6. I think I’m deficient: I have only six firearms (three pistols, one shotgun, two rifles). How many more do I have to get to be doing “my fair share”?

    I’m doing OK on the ammo, though, with thousands of rounds.

  7. Tony R- sad thing is, growing up as a military brat and reading some of the bigger military newspapers, they were always center left, but they never outwardly printed lies that involved social stuff like they do now.

  8. Time to make another trip to the gun store. I will not sleep well until we have 51% of the firearms in the hands of our citizens.

    To the Left and the Democrats (but I repeat myself)…please start the Second American Civil War you desire so much. You keep throwing tantrums and advocating the abandonment of the rule of law so I assume you want the gloves to come off and for it to start?

  9. Kali Refugee in Texas

    I know a little bit about this. According to the
    gun act of 1967, you are legally entitled to build one each of a shot gun, pistol, rifle, on your own per year. Unregistered. That law has not changed.

  10. joe6pak,

    Send an email… That requires me to spin up a VM in some dodgey asian cloud provider, stand up some kind of SMTP forging kit, submit & confirm said message, and then tear everything down and cover my tracks… Too much work. 😉


  11. Kali,

    Paranoia is hard to deal with…or not

    The moment you connect……you can be tracked.

    ‘Anonymous’ last night gave a song and dance about being tracked blah…blah…,blah with a moniker.

    Bull shit.

    The only way to stay anon or hidden…..pencil and paper.

    Go online = tracked

  12. .45-70
    You are correct. Cali is trying it. They’re getting tied up in court, and there is a federal statute. If they included 80% lowers in the survey we would be at about 90%. I need to get the hell out of here.


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