Vaping co-pilot caused Air China flight to drop 21,000 feet – IOTW Report

Vaping co-pilot caused Air China flight to drop 21,000 feet

Severe lack of altitude.

FOX: Authorities have determined that an Air China flight’s sudden, terrifying 21,000-foot descent was caused by a co-pilot smoking an electronic cigarette mid-flight, which triggered a series of events that led to the deployment of oxygen masks and, in turn, backlash against the pilot.

Chinese investigators announced their findings July 13, three days after the July 10 incident, which occurred aboard Flight CA106 from Hong Kong to Dalian 30 minutes after its 5:55 p.m. takeoff, BBC reports.  MORE

22 Comments on Vaping co-pilot caused Air China flight to drop 21,000 feet

  1. I walked out of the store a while back and there were 6 or 7 teenagers standing outside vaping. So I say “Hey, I heard the toughest thing about vaping is telling your parents that you are gay. Is that true?” I did get a laugh out of them.

  2. I am sure pilots and co-pilots SMOKED right up to the mid 70’s maybe?

    Has the tech in the cockpit gotten that sensitive that water vapor, as it it my understanding, is the by product of vaping …anything??? Maybe he did a intense hash oil hit?

    I could not help from thinking about a GREAT movie:



  3. @Bad_Brad – LOL!

    I always say if you’re gonna smoke, then really SMOKE, dammit! Only sissies are afraid of lung cancer and heart disease.

    Of course, sissies tend to die of lung cancer or heart disease a bit less frequently.

  4. I remember sitting in the back of an MD-80 in the mid to late 1990’s.

    Doucheflute! That’s what those vape utensils are. Especially if you’re only goal is launch massive clouds.

    I might quit smoking this year. However, I’m scared it will just lead to actually getting something or worse yet, get me well into my 80’s.

  5. The Delta L-1011’s had ashtrays still in the seat arms in the late 70’s, early 80’s. At least in the back five or six rows.

    Made it nice for us drinkers and smokers. We were close to the bathrooms.

  6. Uncle Al
    I see guys in suits and ties riding around in their Euro sedans vaping. I want to tell them it looks like their sucking on a little plastic dick. But their windows are rolled up and it’s reminiscent of Cheech and Chong’s Up In Smoke movie. I’m not joking. I’m not sure how they see where they’re pointed.

  7. I setup our flights to Australia and the TA gave a couple of choices, the first being Air China! Right off the bat I sad “NO! HELL NO!” I put up with them enough on cruise ships much less dealing with them in Shanghai! So American Airlines it is.

  8. Uncle Al July 13, 2018 at 7:18 pm

    @Bad_Brad – LOL!

    I always say if you’re gonna smoke, then really SMOKE, dammit! Only sissies are afraid of lung cancer and heart disease.

    Of course, sissies tend to die of lung cancer or heart disease a bit less frequently.

    Tell that to my sister who has COPD, can’t walk more than a few feet without losing her breath. She smoked 50 years and the doctor told her to quit or die he couldn’t help her any further. She quit.


  9. I like my doucheflute.
    it’s got power.
    The power to bring down an airplane exactly 21,000 feet.
    Gay or not.
    Airplanes are gay these days. Drop 21,000 feet from vegetable glycerin? That’s pretty gayyeee. Yet, just a couple decades ago a carton of Marlboro didn’t make planes do nothing but perform their assigned tasks.


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