Rush Limbaugh’s Take On The Slow-Wits Screaming, “Treason!!11!!!” – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh’s Take On The Slow-Wits Screaming, “Treason!!11!!!”

Patriot Retort: So I spent the last little while here watching the press conference with President Trump and Vladimir Putin.

And then I went onto Twitter and watched as media pundits, Democrats and dipshit Republican suck-ups erupted in unhinged hysterics.

It was so damn over-the-top, I’m physically exhausted from it.

Trump committed TREASON!!!

Treason I tell you!!!


Well, first, he met with President Putin.

Which means Barack Obama committed treason too since he met with President Putin.

But never mind that! Trump committed treason!!!

The other treasonous thing Trump did was compliment President Putin in the press conference.

Which means Barack Obama committed treason too since he complimented President Putin in a press conference in 2009.

Plus! Plus! Trump seemed to go easy on Putin with regard to Russia’s meddling in our elections!

Which means Barack Obama committed treason too since…

“He denies it. So the idea that somehow public shaming is gonna be effective, I think doesn’t read the thought process in Russia very well.”

SNIP: Dianny offers Rush Limbaugh’s excellent take at the LINK

11 Comments on Rush Limbaugh’s Take On The Slow-Wits Screaming, “Treason!!11!!!”

  1. Trump will when asked, say he and puti had a great conversation about everything including including Russia’s dealings with current and past US polititions and news worth people. He will also provide me with evidence. I’ll share this with the appropriate departments when I deem the time is appropriate. A lot of people are in deep crap.

    He knows what he is doing.

  2. Yet the corruption, obstruction and treason by Obama’s uranium to the Russians, Obama’s statement to that he would have more flexibility with Russia after his re-election, the lies about Benghazi, the Clinton email scandal that was not prosecuted, allowing guns to walk into mexico for the drug cartels, the appeasement of the Iranians — even sending billions in cash in the middle of the night and bragging about how they lied to the American press and public, funding and arming islamic terrorist groups, the use of financial penalties to fund leftist causes, the use of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to take property from Americans, use of the IRS to limit freedom of speech and punish conservative supporters. I don’t recall the media scrutinizing Obama, his corruption or treason.

    I have yet to hear the outrage from the media of Obama’s criminal spying on the Trump campaign and the political corruption of the Judiciary, DOJ and FBI.

    Now how about the outrage regarding the collusion of the media in all the lies and protection of the corrupt progressive agenda to destroy the United States?

  3. Hey, Putin said Muller should file the paperwork on that 25 evil Russians, in fact, he invited Muller and his gang of angry democrats to come over and participate in the interrogation. If Muller doesn’t follow through we can accuse him of treason.

    Smooth move Pres. P.

  4. Our own Claudia became a twitter superstar with an observation about how *staged* their dramatic over-reaction is:

    “These talking points were created and delivered after the summit was announced. What they’re saying and what actually happened are worlds apart.

    They are so desperate. They threw a dictionary into a blender and came up with fancy sounding words that will impress the masses.”

  5. Oh man, so good….. right up there with sex by yourself.. I’m talking about of course, egging on the crazy people.

    “Yes, Trump is a total traitor (is what I say) but we wont be happy until he sells every Democrat into slavery and forces the remainder of the population into gay conversion therapy camps.”

    And then I blow smoke in their faces. It’s like the best Hallmark moment evah.


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