Trump-Putin Press Conference: Comedy Gold As American Journalists Beclown Themselves – IOTW Report

Trump-Putin Press Conference: Comedy Gold As American Journalists Beclown Themselves

Rush Limbaugh:

RUSH: Hey, folks, parts of this joint press conference here between Trump and Putin were comedy gold. Parts of this press conference were some of the funniest stuff that’s been on American television since Trump was elected. I mean, I have been laughing myself silly. I don’t laugh out loud much watching television anymore. It’s a sad reality, but watching TV does not make any laugh anymore. But I have been laughing out loud — uncontrollably at times — watching this joint presser. What makes it is that the United States media regularly beclowns itself, makes fools of themselves because they really have it in their heads…

I don’t know what to make of it. I don’t know if they really do believe that Trump and Putin colluded to steal the election, if they’ve been reporting that for so long that they actually now believe it. Because even with Mueller, there isn’t any evidence of it. Which reminds me, Mueller’s indictment… Wait ’til you hear what the Drive-Bys are trying to do with this indictment! It is craziest thing! It is laughable, because our media has become a collective joke.

The problem with our media becoming a collective joke is that they have the ability to wreak tremendous havoc and do great damage. But these people are a laughingstock, and they do not know it. They do not have the humility or even the presence of mind to know how they are perceived — and that is a killer quality, or lack of a quality. To not know how you’re perceived when you’re in any business is death. Business death.

It’s amazing to me to watch the right-before-before-our-eyes decline of the stature, the respect, the integrity and the perceived intelligence of members of the United States White House or presidential press corps. This is just… I don’t know. I have all kinds of mixed emotions watching it. I go through the anger. But I can’t stay angry very long because I can’t stop laughing at this. For example, some AP reporter stood up, he got the last question of Trump, and he (laughing) asked Trump, “Okay. U.S. intelligence says that Russia meddled.

“Russia says they didn’t. Who do you believe?” And then the guy says to Putin, “Do you have any compromising material on President Trump and his family?” I about lost it at this point. It was a serious question. “Do you have any compromising material on President Trump and his family?” And Putin and Trump both just laughed, and Putin’s facial expression was priceless! Putin’s facial expression was over the top. You could tell that he thought this guy was an idiot.  more here

20 Comments on Trump-Putin Press Conference: Comedy Gold As American Journalists Beclown Themselves

  1. Stopped into the Grocery Store on the way Home form Work to buy

    More Beer( You can never have enough)

    and every Newspaper on the Rack had TREASON splashed across the

    front page…I giggled.

  2. The Power of God is keeping President Trump standing and punching back against Satan’s minions. We are seeing a Supernatural miracle happening before our very eyes. Our land is truly being restored and blessed by awesome Power.

  3. Excellent point Brad. Indeed, the ONLY reason the left is reacting this way is because of racism.

    Hang on people, Brad has some insight and we should all listen to his argument which goes something like…” our Black God King Obama has already decreed that the idea of Russia as an enemy belongs back in the bad old racist 80’s. Yet here comes Trump trying to refute that assertion. Why? Because he’s racist. Racist for disagreeing with Obama. So he has to be neutralized. Even at the cost of starting a nuclear war with Russia in order to show that Russia isn’t a threat…..”

    Man these people are fugged in the head…. But excellent call by Brad for showing us the crazy mind games these people play with themselves.

  4. There are health benefits. The sight of a naked breast can lowers your blood pressure substantially. It works so well for me my Doctor wrote me a prescription.

  5. Bad_Brad JULY 17, 2018 AT 4:46 PM
    There are health benefits. The sight of a naked breast can lowers your blood pressure substantially. It works so well for me my Doctor wrote me a prescription.

    You wish!

    As I explained to my GP yesterday, “I may not be able to cut the mustard anymore, but I can still lick the jar.”

  6. Anonymous

    LOL, true science, the sight of a female breast does reduce male high blood pressure. The cupping of a female breast drops it even farther. Which is exactly how my Obamacare Prescription is written.

  7. “Do you have any compromising material on Hillary Clinton and her family?” Ever heard of the Clinton Body Count? And how about Filegate FBI and Rapegate Bill? The worst compromise Trump has probably done has been to invite the Clintons to his wedding to Melania. And didn’t Trump make the case of putting Hillary in jail in his campaign speeches? And now that we know Russian $400 million was put in her campaign coffers, doesn’t she belong there? Trump can deny under duress that US intel operatives didn’t abet in this crime, but they did. What threat is Trump now under that he would change his (and Putin’s) assertions about the corrupt US intel agencies involved? Is Trump actually physically vulnerable now?


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