Houston: Muslim testifies her husband confessed to ‘honor killing’ Christian son-in-law – IOTW Report

Houston: Muslim testifies her husband confessed to ‘honor killing’ Christian son-in-law

Creeping Sharia:

The wife of a Jordanian immigrant testified Wednesday how her husband slipped into his son-in-law’s northwest Harris County apartment and fatally shot him minutes after his daughter left for work, one of two “honor killings” she and their son helped him commit.

Shmou Alrawabdeh, 40, the wife of a Jordanian immigrant on trial for capital murder, described in chilling detail how she, her husband and their adult son stalked and killed their son-in-law in November 2012. She testified against her husband after cutting a plea bargain deal that will reduce her pending murder charge to kidnapping.

Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 60, a devout Muslim, is on trial for gunning down two people in 2012 to “clean their honor” after his daughter moved out of the house and married a Christian she met at a local college. The second victim was an Iranian medical student who was his daughter’s best friend who supported her decision to change her religion.  more here

9 Comments on Houston: Muslim testifies her husband confessed to ‘honor killing’ Christian son-in-law

  1. I can’t believe that we are so islamophobic in this country! Who wouldn’t want to be a part of a religion that is so peaceful, it’s stuck in the eighth century. [sarcasm intended]

  2. Realistically, how distant is honor killing from the left’s intolerance of dissenting opinions? How far from chasing conservatives out of restaurants to Antifa assaulting peaceful demonstrators to honor killing those who don’t believe in abortion? Or climate change?

    The ideology of peace and the tolerance of the left have a lot in common.

  3. “Honor Killings” in Houston…
    Both of these animals should go to Gitmo,
    Be made “Honor Captains” of the swim team,
    Drop them five miles off shore and see if the sharks honor them.

  4. I am Personally Dis- Honored that these Freak’s live in My highly Respected Country, and feel that They must be Killed to fix it’s reputation.
    Can this now be Legal ? If so I’m in.

  5. JFC… These demented rag heads are a fucking pestilence upon Western civilization. Their solution to everything is to kill it, stab it, blow it up, or throw acid at it.

  6. I’ll take “Generations of inbreeding coupled with a demonic murder-faith and a big dose of resentitlement” for 500, Alex.

    *resentitlement: an extremely dangerous combination of resentment and entitlement


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