Income Inequality is Much Worse in Blue States than Red States – IOTW Report

Income Inequality is Much Worse in Blue States than Red States

Big Government: One reason Democrat politicians talk a lot about inequality may be that Democrat-dominated states have much higher levels income disparity.

Income inequality is higher in states that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 when measured by the average income of the top one percent against the average income of the bottom 99 percent, according to data from a new report by the Economic Policy Institute. For Clinton states, the top incomes were on average 23.6 times the average income for the other 99 percent.

In Trump states, the average for top earners was just 19.7 times the average for everyone else.

Clinton won the majority of the vote in the most unequal state, New York, where top earners make 44 times what other households do. She took 8 out of the top ten, with Trump winning only Florida and Wyoming out of the most unequal states.

Trump won six of states with the ten lowest levels of income inequality, while Clinton won four. more here

9 Comments on Income Inequality is Much Worse in Blue States than Red States

  1. I find it humorous the left needs to progsplain to us how Hillary’s 500 counties were so much more important than DJT’s 2600 counties with the helpful aid of cartograms. LA, Chicago, New York take up 1/3 of all landmass in the U.S., dontcha know? No wonder kids can’t find anything on a map these days.

    I picture it in an opposite light. Shrink the blue areas and enlarge the red areas. It’s the same thing progs do, but in reverse. That way you can picture how small they are and how isolated and roped in they are versus the rest of the country. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

  2. Just look at the nightmare that is California. In 2016, California had 97,660 homeless individuals, which accounted for
    28% of the nation’s population.

    The number of people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP (12.2 million) in CA alone exceeds the populations of 44 of the other states of the union.

  3. The idea has always been sound. They’re just working out the bugs caused by reactionary Trumpian bigots like yourselves. They can’t perfect the system until it goes nationwide, as my beloved Presidents Obama and Clinton would have done had you haters not got in the way.

    But they’ll get it right soon. Then you’ll see. Then you’ll ALL see how much we love you.

  4. There is nothing noble about anything the left wants. If it’s income equality its because you have more than they do. They want more for themselves and they want to tear down anyone with more than they.
    It’s just a case of selfishness cloaked in altruism.


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