Occupy ICE protest creates bio hazards for clean-up crews – IOTW Report

Occupy ICE protest creates bio hazards for clean-up crews

American Thinker:

If you’ve ever been near an Occupy encampment, there’s one thing you know for sure: you can smell it before you can see it.

And oh, man, does it stink.

The smell of human excrement is the trademark of Occupy protests since the beginning.  I remember visiting one in Los Angeles several years ago, and amid reports of drug use, bad trips, insanity-based freak-outs, bike-stealing, rapes, and rubble, there was also the bad poop smell.  You don’t want to be downwind of that one.  Somehow, it’s reflective of the message.  more here

6 Comments on Occupy ICE protest creates bio hazards for clean-up crews

  1. I don’t get what the PTB are upset about, they allowed them to Occupy the area then talk dirty about them. They should have nipped it the first day. Suck it up Portland! We need more vigilantes, I’d chip in a few bucks to support them. Go in and kick some ass. It must be demoralizing to be a cop these days, especially when you’re told to stand down.

  2. False flag fake news. MossadKGBHalliburtonTrumpCo’s crisis poop actors plant human feces at these otherwise sparkling clean organic sites to discredit the truth of the message. The “cleanup” crews are ALL on the Zionist black op payroll, just like they were on 9/11.

  3. This is what you get with leftist, democrat rule. Instead of evicting the trespassers on day one, you let them trash the place for five friggin weeks, so now the taxpayers can pay for a million dollar cleanup. Same as it was with occupy Portland, anti- capitalism marches, gay pride parades, Antifa riots, etc, etc, etc. The only exception being a permitted conservative prayer rally; that gets shut-down after the cops let the leftists run amok for an hour.


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