“I was taught to hate you” – IOTW Report

“I was taught to hate you”

I hated everything you stood for, America! I was taught to hate you America! The left taught me to hate you. But why? Because the left doesn’t care about you America! The leftist ideology is globalism not Americanism!

6 Comments on “I was taught to hate you”

  1. When I was young Jimmy Carter was president it was 1976 and I officially became a real american it was our bicentennial and I was a proud American and I will never forget it red white and blue . Now poor Jimmy I have a different opinion of.

  2. My union democRAT family referred to him as that “spineless POS Jimmy Fuckin’ Carter”. He’s the reason my dad became a Republican.

    And now in our era I have my own “B-Rock Fucking Obama” an even lower form of life of political scum!

  3. I was also a young skull full of mush, raised by FDR worshiping democrats.

    I’m still ashamed of voting for that wreck of a human Jimmy Carter.
    Became a born again Christian in 1979, voted for Reagan and have never looked back.

  4. Jethro,
    Thanks for the link. Scott Adams is a thoughtful, insightful person. His analysis of the “Walk Away” movement is brilliant, and extremely encouraging.


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