‘My journey started when I was encouraged to Divorce’ #WalkAway – IOTW Report

‘My journey started when I was encouraged to Divorce’ #WalkAway


[…] I talk about the moments that eventually really start making me look at the Democratic Party-my experience with welfare benefits, but I neglected to make it clear that it was the research into that— how the Democratic Party encourages single motherhood and dependency on the welfare state and being a victim because of your identity, that really opened my eyes…

SNIP: I love her reason as to why she did not vote for 0bama. Her instincts were accurate.

6 Comments on ‘My journey started when I was encouraged to Divorce’ #WalkAway

  1. Not only do these bots look human, but they actually have a perfect American accent. They would pass for legit American democrats walking away if CNN/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/NBC didn’t have such high journalistic standards educating us all about bots. Have any of these journalists suggested we spy on the Russians a bit more seriously? The advanced technology used to portray a human with 100% accuracy shouldn’t belong in the hands of our enemy. Speaking of which, I wonder exactly what it was that tipped off the media that these were bots? How can they tell a bot from a human and I can’t? Oh well, I suppose that’s their job and why Anderson Cooper gets paid $45k per hour.

  2. I ain’t buyin’ it. She said she was born on the east coast but grew up in OK and AR from her young teen years, and yet I didn’t hear not one Y’ALL in her hushed rant.

  3. I didn’t listen to the video but read the youtube transcript.

    I weep for the country. If you read the transcript you realize just how stupid people can be. Sure she says she sees the light but her stupid goes way back.

  4. @Boobie the late RocketDog

    You express my reactions to every one of these types of #WALKAWAY stories, so far. They are just a bit too long, wildly rambling, and pretty much uninteresting.

    Now, I see why they are suspect Bots, they lack inflection and take on the interst level of listening to a Schwarzenegger speech.


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