The left is lying about healthcare for votes to push Democratic Socialism – IOTW Report

The left is lying about healthcare for votes to push Democratic Socialism


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the lefts new socialist hero, talks a good game just like Obama did, “Healthcare is a Human Right!!!!” “Vote For Me, Then You’ll Finally Have Health Care!!!”

* 🤦‍♀️But wait… there IS healthcare for Americans who for some reason can’t get insurance, there has been for decades!!!! There was a time when I was in that situation!

* Since the left seems to be gearing up to campaign for universal healthcare🙄AGAIN, I figured why not share my story about having surgery with a pre-existing condition without insurance!!!

11 Comments on The left is lying about healthcare for votes to push Democratic Socialism

  1. Where in this free right does it say that doctors must offer their services, supplies, time for free? Suppose all doctors threw their hands up and said we quit, where is your right to healthcare at?

  2. Just so you know, sir, the most recent edits to the Newspeak Dictionary omit references to “medical insurance” and “treatment.” The term “healthcare” merged those archaic thinks as they relate to proles. It is still acceptable to use “treatment” in reference to the easy access to care afforded to dogs, cats and cattle. By the way, it is shamefup that the government is not involved in veterinary medicine. For the kitties.

  3. “In addition, murdering the innocent is now considered ‘heath care’.”

    And later, ALL state-sponsored murders will be considered ‘health care’.
    Same with involuntary incarceration for ‘psychiatric’ reasons.
    Not to mention the extended stays on the asparagus ‘farms’ in Alaska.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. There should have been a vid running
    behind those 2 commies.You know the one where
    a twisted sick wretched poor old man is
    lying on a shit stained filth mattress in
    Cuba receiving his “free health care”.
    clueless woman is really starting to grate on my nerves.
    Nothing “free” in this world.

  5. The Left already has a plan for replacing those Doctors

    Simply by getting rid of all Testing…..

    Because It’s not fair that stupid People can’t become anything they

    want….If You Feeeeeeel like a Doctor…You is one.

  6. Health care.. Education.. Housing.

    As a basic right.

    No. The left wants equal out comes for these as a right.
    Let’s translate.

    Free health insurance = health CARE
    Free education = QUALIFICATION for a job
    Free housing = Standardized housing. the ULTIMATE HOA.

    Why? Because nothing pisses off a socialist communist more than the thought of someone else having more than someone else. Or the ability of someone to perform a task better than someone else. Or the ability to hire a doctor that will actually perform a surgery that “no one else can afford.”

    It’s a race to the bottom, the lowest common denominator sets the standards going forward. We won’t remain a very wealthy or powerful country for long with this mindset, that’s fo’shure.

  7. Imagine if we had socialized health care as an executive agency function. We’ve seen the Obama administrations total corruption of everything in his power as president. Imagine what the Left could do to us if they made our health care totally dependant on the executive branch.

  8. As much as I like that people are making “Walk Away” videos they need to shorten them and get to the point. Every one I’ve seen so far has been rambling and redundant, long and boring.


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