Jim Jordan aims to fix mismanagement and dysfunction in Congress – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan aims to fix mismanagement and dysfunction in Congress

DC: House Freedom Caucus co-founder Jim Jordan says he is running for speaker of the House to fix mismanagement and dysfunction in Congress and deliver on the promises Republicans made to voters in the 2016 election cycle, the congressman told The Daily Caller News Foundation. He also thinks he can win.

Jordan, an Ohio Republican, formally announced his campaign for speaker of the House July 26 after months of speculation that the conservative stalwart would throw his name in the hat to replace outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan.

The consensus in Washington and on Capitol Hill leading up to Jordan’s announcement this week was that Jordan, in league with his conservative HFC colleagues, was going on a shadow bid for the speakership to extract concessions from the two men in Republican leadership that Washingtonians have pegged as the top contenders to replace Ryan –House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Whip Steve Scalise. The theory was that Jordan is either trying to get a top committee chairmanship or was trying to set up his caucus to have more of a say in policy making following the November midterm elections.

Jordan has heard the conventional wisdom, but he doesn’t take much stock in it, selling himself as the agent of change in a Congress that is far too often run from the top at the expense of members and the American people.  more here

10 Comments on Jim Jordan aims to fix mismanagement and dysfunction in Congress

  1. If we were to support the likes of McCarthy or Scalise we’ll just have more of the stupidity Ryan delivered in a constant stream. I want Jordan and the other two are bought and paid for swamp scum.

  2. One more time the GOP, through their vote, will show us who the establishment RINOs are in Congress.

    Jordan would upset the status quo of the monied country club republicans.

  3. Putinaide
    JULY 30, 2018 AT 6:32 PM
    Gym jordan will be in prison soon enough

    My comment was sarcasm at the absurdity of the allegations,(which btw vanished in 48 hrs). Hopefully yours was as well.


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