Canada is ready to install a CARBON TAX – IOTW Report

Canada is ready to install a CARBON TAX

CTH: Canada is on the cusp of instituting a national carbon tax. Against push-back from normal Canadians in Ontario who are against the insufferable proposal, Liberal Minister of Environment Catherine McKenna explains how it will work.


15 Comments on Canada is ready to install a CARBON TAX

  1. And they have a lot of carbon to tax. I think they should tax it before it’s pumped out of the ground or cut down. That way, they can go broke even faster and then get invaded or bought outright by the Chinese. Then the Chinese can be their new overlords, eh?

  2. Trudeau is trying to force crap like this through before he and his gang are thrown from office next year. He’s hoping that the federal Conservative Party will keep the tax in place knowing that most politicians are loathe to reduce their play money. It won’t work and even if he gets it in the Conservatives will remove it the day after they assume government. Besides, he’s going to get serious pushback from the new Conservative Ontario provincial government that destroyed the Liberal Party in the recent election.

  3. “Canadian Stupid”

    Thank you Extirpates for coining the perfect new term.

    “Hey, I started putting shingles on the roof from the top down….”
    “Bro, are you Canadian Stupid?”

    I love it.

    Just offset the ‘global warming, of southern hemisphere with the ‘global cooling’ of the northern hemisphere and switch every six months.

    There, now we can keep our hard earned money (or in other words, fuck-off liberals)


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