Is Bill Kristol Considering Run For President In 2020? – IOTW Report

Is Bill Kristol Considering Run For President In 2020?


Bill Kristol, the former editor-in-chief of The Weekly Standard, is considering challenging President Donald Trump in the 2020 Republican primary.

Kristol, who is consistently one of the most vocal anti-Trump Republicans, has been considering a run for months, a source familiar with Kristol’s thinking told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Kristol, who remains an editor-at-large for the Standard, said he has no plans to run but declined to rule it out when asked by TheDCNF.

“No plans to run. But I’m randomly in Boston today, and happen to have had lunch with someone who does a lot of work in New Hampshire,” Kristol wrote in an email. “As he’d say, ‘Ya nevah know.’”

The New Hampshire primary, the second electoral contest after the Iowa Caucuses, is a key hurdle in the presidential nominating process.  more

17 Comments on Is Bill Kristol Considering Run For President In 2020?

  1. He’s not running. He’ll just continue to be a pea shooter against every move DJT makes because his pride won’t let him see things otherwise. No different from the Left.

  2. Can that mutterfooker stand, let alone walk, or jump on a stage and campaign? He looks like a pot bellied POS. Phuck that anti Trump prick and his dying magazine, The Weakly Standard. They are going down the drain like National Review, the Never Trump Taploid.

  3. Uncle Al

    That’s pretty damn good. You should send it to Don Jr. You can be confident he will pass it along. Well, if he’s not doing the dirty with Kimberly. LOL.

  4. It’s quite possible that this so called gentleman has delusions of grandeur. He certainly lacks any qualifications for the presidency. Or perhaps its just a call for attention as he has single handedly ruined his reputation by opining very unpopular opinions. I don’t care smug self important asshole that thinks he’s better than everyone else.


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