Fake News Begets Pink Slips – IOTW Report

Fake News Begets Pink Slips

CDN: The Daily News: Pink slips prove that fake news fails as a business model.

WASHINGTON. If you are something of a news junkie, you may have noticed there is a war going on between President Donald Trump and the nattering nabobs of the mainstream press. And although the media is more likely to report hysterical stories about President Trump and Russian spies colluding to bring down America, the media is less likely to report how their skewed news coverage is affecting their bottom line.

Recently, the New York Daily News shocked its news staff by announcing that half of them would be receiving pink slips. Parent company Tronc said it was “fundamentally restructuring the Daily News.”

This is the newspaper that is prone to printing Photoshop depictions  of the president as a clown.  MORE

4 Comments on Fake News Begets Pink Slips

  1. There just isn’t a need for a bunch of journalists anymore. At least msm journalists.
    Operation Mockingbird puts out their talking points and buzz words every morning at 4AM, and the papers and media just have to paraphrase and present them. (‘morning joe’ used to receive text messages from hussein’s white house during their broadcast). Many news organizations also collaborate together for their stories as well.
    Now they can go get a real job and maybe even do some solid investigative journalism.

    “For those unfamiliar, Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation began as the Cold War ramped up in the 1950’s. In an attempt to gather intelligence and influence public opinion, the CIA recruited journalists from across the United States.”

  2. When choosing between a “market segment” that adores your product and refuses to pay for anything, or a “market segment” that chooses to pay for products whom you love to tell how much you hate, it’s best to find a new industry.


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