Autistic student asked for a ‘fist bump’ and a selfie. He got two Title IX investigations – IOTW Report

Autistic student asked for a ‘fist bump’ and a selfie. He got two Title IX investigations


She asked the coordinator “Did he touch her? Did he hug her? Did he follow her? Did he try to get her phone number? Did he expose himself?” When the coordinator allegedly said no to each, Aurora said she responded: “Then stop calling it inappropriate. He’s just trying to make a friend.”  READ MORE

6 Comments on Autistic student asked for a ‘fist bump’ and a selfie. He got two Title IX investigations

  1. Used to be a day when people accepted and dealt with the limitations of others in a civil, straight forward manner, disentangling from the interaction quickly if offended.

    I speak as a person who has counseled hundreds of disabled and intellectually limited individuals in their behavior and demeanor while in public. Never once do I remember anyone getting an official sanction unless it was deserved.

    We dealt with inappropriate behavior when necessary and trained folks when and how to avoid such circumstances.

    What it always came down to was those few people who thought that asking for their accommodations were not acceptable.

    Don’t get me wrong I could tell you of at least ten behavioral incidents where officials covered up for a disabled individual with no sanctions or punishment or segregation ordered. It happens since the libs demanded every institution be closed.

    But for the most part just because someone is different doesn’t make them dangerous. I won’t say the same about some of my chronically mentally ill folks who some should never had seen life outside the bars anywhere.

    Of the 5-8 Autistic/ID/ADHD clients I had that were capable (or had committed a crime) most had been manipulated into by others. In fact most autistics were more dangerous to themselves than others.

    I feel sorry for these families as it is exceptionally hard to have the future potential of a son or daughter be taken away or limited by others prejudices or lack of imagination.

    P.S. I only have night mares about 2-3 that are out there somewhere.

  2. That is so truly sad. Very rarely do I feel for gofundme people but this case is just tragic. Who are these millennial women that actually believe Marcus was sexually harassing them?! Do they have no soul? No ability for empathy? And who would even start an investigation into such ridiculously dumb complaints?! There clearly are no sane people in college administration anymore.

  3. Overcoming a plethora of obstacles, only to be thwarted by a self-absorbed dipshit and a bunch of cowardly administrators. For crying out loud, the kid should be commended as a role model, not a criminal.


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