Study: Transgender People Aren’t As Attractive As Other People, – IOTW Report

Study: Transgender People Aren’t As Attractive As Other People,

DC: Transgender people aren’t viewed as attractive dating partners, according to a July study showing that gender identity accords with how others view their level of physical attractiveness.

“Anecdotal evidence suggests that some transgender people find that others seem less sexually or romantically attracted to them once they learn of their transgender status, so we decided to study that issue rigorously,” one of the study’s authors, Eliot R. Smith, said, PsyPost reported Tuesday.

The study, “How Gender Identity and Transgender Status Affect Perceptions of Attractiveness,” was first published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science on July 27.

The researchers gathered their results by providing 342 non-transgender college students with the profiles of 48 potential partners of the opposite biological sex. The students viewed their potential partners on a dating profile that included a picture of the partner’s face and information about gender identity and race. The students then rated their potential partners on level of attractiveness.  more here


21 Comments on Study: Transgender People Aren’t As Attractive As Other People,

  1. Why did the Medical field make this shit accessible to the Citizenry in the first place, they had no need to push this Crap on peole.
    Just because we can do it, isnt reason enough to actually bring it to Reality when it did’nt have to be so.

  2. We need a study to figure out that most heterosexual men don’t find six foot ‘women’ with size 13 feet and manly voices attractive?! It could also be that prior to the main stream tranny push many transexuals were older cross-dressing men that decided at the ripe age of 60+ to transition.
    And what a shock, a heterosexual man finds out the ‘woman’ he is dating was born a man and isn’t attracted any longer. Heck, it used to be those ‘women’ got their asses kicked when they tried to fool straight men. What is there to get?!

  3. “Anecdotal evidence suggests that some transgender people find that others seem less sexually or romantically attracted to them once they learn of their transgender status…”

    Well knock me over with a feather! How about LESS attractive even before they find out they’re a he/she.

    Had one of “them” at a place where I had the privilege of spending some time as employed. It cost them many dollars as we all had to endure sensitivity training, the ladies HAD TO use the same facility as him (which caused much consternation and problems). Finally put him in a QA where they could hide him and he ended up quitting some time down the road after causing problems for a little over a year. The “men” were actually quite happy to have him out of their locker room. Nasty looking – male or female…

  4. I’m superficial, always have been. Many moons ago I backed off any potential for seriousness because the otherwise great looking chick had 1 boob noticeably smaller than the other one. Given that she really dug me and was from a well to do family, I should regret that on a selfish level(which I’m not), but I always figured she was better off without an ass like me.

  5. I have no interest in any kind of interaction with a dress-wearing mental case who has a dick bigger that mine.

    Or smaller than mine.

    Or who used to have a dick.

    See the pattern here?

  6. Study? We needed a “study” for that? How much did that phucking “study” cost? I saw some photos of tranzies in the San Francisco PD, a Sgt. and a LT. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, help us.
    This will never change. It’s only going to get worse.
    It will take a century to get back to normal, if we last that long.
    “Rome wasn’t built in a day” but it was destroyed pretty damn fast.
    If you get my meaning.

  7. So they became less attractive after they’re revealed to be trannies? Well, if the viewer is not ‘into that’, of course they’re going to be less attractive.

    Same as if you show a photo of an ‘okay’ looking person and then later you find out it was a serial killer or a liberal. lol.

    Why don’t they want to play the same game with trannies asked about other trannies?

  8. Damn these Millennial men! They should be forced BY LAW to date transsexual persons. Their horror be damned.
    For every transsexual in a population of a quiet burg, a lottery will take place, and a Lucky Pierre will be designated. Lucky Pierre better step up or there will be consequences.
    Resistance is futile.

  9. The fact that a “How Gender Identity and Transgender Status Affect Perceptions of Attractiveness,” study even exists and is regarded seriously demonstrates that our culture is pretty much a lost cause.

  10. Was watching a weapons program on American Heroes Channel a few weeks ago and they kept interviewing this Nussbacher chick as some sort of expert. Kinda creepy looking, but with a voice that sounded familiar. Finally dawned on me; he’s been on earlier shows as a man. Teaches at the British military school at Sandhurst.


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