Cops clear out filthy, belligerent Occupy ICE camps nationwide – IOTW Report

Cops clear out filthy, belligerent Occupy ICE camps nationwide

BPR: Police cleared out #OccupyICE encampments across the nation just as ICE is fighting back in Oregon where their emergency calls for help went unheeded.

The far left protesters were cleared out of several locations Tuesday as police worked to remove them from where they set up camp, blocking streets and harassing ICE agents in cities across the U.S.

Things escalated in Philadelphia Tuesday, leading to chaotic scenes as demonstrators who were blocking traffic were warned by police to leave before arrests began.

Police were finally moving in to clear Abolish ICE protesters across cities where they set up camps in front of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement buildings, threatening agents and blocking entrances. more


11 Comments on Cops clear out filthy, belligerent Occupy ICE camps nationwide

  1. Form a police line around the whole encampment, all dressed in riot gear. Open the back door to the paddy wagon, tell someone to get in or they’ll be put in forcefully. Before the word “no” finishes coming out of the dirtbag’s mouth taser him, repeat the command. If he refuses, apply wooden shampoo (baton), re-taser, handcuff, and toss him in like Hillary being hustled into the van on 9/11. Not one dirtbag gets out unarrested.

  2. ‘Filthify’

    do the demonRats actually thing re-enforcing & exploiting this behavior is going to win them power? …. hey, go for it!

  3. Imagine an America with these
    commie rat bastards KILLED DEAD.
    Bill Ayers called for 25M patriots
    to be KILLED DEAD.I think 50M libtard,demorats
    would be a good start.Do these zombie welfare
    shitbags realize that the patriots have more guns
    and ammo than several countries entire military
    combined !!! ???

  4. The next step for leftists has to be either an armed uprising or they go back to Momma’s basement. Either they get even crazier or give it up.

    They haven’t got the balls (literally) for armed conflict so they really have only one option.

  5. You know it is psychologically interesting just how filth and horrible personal hygiene permeates the marxist set.

    If you are an IOTW fan with the requisite expertise could you inform as to why these vermin enjoy squalor so much while accusing us of being toothless garbage people…seems a better descriptor of them than us.


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