UK Climate ‘Consultants’ Charge Third World Countries $2,000 A Day On Poverty Programs – IOTW Report

UK Climate ‘Consultants’ Charge Third World Countries $2,000 A Day On Poverty Programs

DC: More than 10 percent of U.K. government climate aid for third world countries is channeled through private consultants who charge exorbitant fees to deliver programs intended to reduce staggering poverty.

The Department for International Development (DFID) administered most of the U.K.’s $12 billion in international climate finance between April 2011 and June 2018, according to a report Wednesday from Climate Home News. The program is designed to help stabilize poverty in Africa and elsewhere through helping countries adapt to global warming.

A consultant typically charges roughly $2,000 a day, according to a former tax consultant with Deloitte. “They wouldn’t do it if there wasn’t a profit to be made,” the consultant told reporters at Climate Home News. Deloitte has received $310,000 from DFID since April 2011.

DFID uses contractors because they “play an important role in development work when they deliver well. They provide specialist expertise, flexibility and deliver U.K. aid’s life-changing work in some of the most fragile and dangerous places in the world,” a department official told reporters at CHN. Reliance on consultants is due to public spending cuts and raised concerns about funneling aid money back into rich countries, the report noted.  more

6 Comments on UK Climate ‘Consultants’ Charge Third World Countries $2,000 A Day On Poverty Programs

  1. “…designed to help stabilize poverty in Africa…”

    I’d say this part is working like gangbusters. For 200+ years most of Africa has been successfully poverty stricken.

    As developed nations continue to ship in food and medicine which allows the populations to grow, the extent of poverty has become more widespread.

    Giving rise to the recent diaspora of those populations to first world countries thus shortening the supply lines for the aid they desire. Why ship food and medicine when the beneficiaries of such can travel to the source? This has the advantage of also supplying to the migrants housing, clothing, medical care in better facilities, cash in their pockets and government that will succor them rather than kill them off when they misbehave.

  2. WOW!

    Somebody got paid to do a study to find out if a government program was corrupt.

    Oh, wait, let me play with the CAPS LOCK key.

    SOMEBODY got PAID to do a STUDY to find out IF a government program was corrupt.

  3. @Lowell – We had the same thought. There’s far too much “stabilizing” going on. Diplomats and others representing people and institutions seem to have stability as their top priority. They profit greatly from the way things work today and so have a vested interest in NOT solving problems such as poverty.

    If the poverty-stricken actually generate wealth but that wealth is stolen from them for the enrichment of govt and govt cronies, then those poverty-stricken people need to make things UNstable as soon as possible, and get rid of the parasites.

    If the poverty-stricken do not generate any appreciable wealth, I am absolutely certain that it is govt policies that stand in their way. Same solution: make things as UNstable as soon as possible, and get rid of the production stranglers.

  4. A glaring example can be seen in the CGI. The Clintons enriched themselves while claiming to be providing vital assistance to the Haitians. They elbowed their way to the front of the line to fleece the destitute. Absolute heartless scum.


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