Lawyer Says San Jose Mayor May Have Ordered Police To Steer Trump Supporters Into Riot – IOTW Report

Lawyer Says San Jose Mayor May Have Ordered Police To Steer Trump Supporters Into Riot

DC: Tucker Carlson had Harmeet Dhillon, a lawyer representing 20 Trump supporters in a lawsuit against the San Jose Police Department, on his Fox News show to discuss the latest development in the case on Wednesday night.

“As we were leaving, the 250 riot gear clad San Jose police were there on the scene, forced all of the people leaving to come out through one exit and directed them away from the most direct path to the garages and into a riot of several hundred anti-Trump violent types waving Mexican flags with large 6-foot poles and the eggs are just one part of it,” Dhillon stated, explaining the circumstances of the brawl.

“I can’t believe that most cops in any city would be in favor of this. Tell us where this order came from, do you believe?” Carlson asked.

She replied, “We believe the order came from the top, the mayor Sam Accardo, the chief of police, we believe they were involved.”


10 Comments on Lawyer Says San Jose Mayor May Have Ordered Police To Steer Trump Supporters Into Riot

  1. What a disgrace, these leftists are such punk cowards especially when they have a political position.
    Those people{mayor etc} should be charged federally for hate crimes. They brought that legal tool into the mix so it should be applied to them as well.

  2. What cowardly a-holes to act in such a way as to put Americans at risk for being involved in politics and the political process. It’s no wonder the alt-right wants to react with violence.

    I myself would love to stand within punching distance of that brave man who threw that egg at that woman and model some good old voter suppression on his ass.

  3. The mayor and enforcement chief are federal felons. They violated Title 18 USC 242 by depriving the Trump supporters’ rights under color of law.

    …if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

  4. Waving Mexican flags on 6 foot poles… were they illegals as well as being Mexican? Why does the news not tell us this? And by the way how many of these protesters are on government checks that should be halted. If they can protest they can work!

  5. The mayor of San Jose is Sam Liccardo, not Accardo. Both Liccardo and his police chief, Garcia, are hard left Lefties. True to form, the Left marches in lockstep and it sure looks like they used their official offices to count coup on their ideological enemies. I hope the Trumplicans can get an honest jury in San Jose.


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